Prepare for Mass Hysteria and Exile!

Every four years we hear Alec Baldwin, Babs Streisand, Michael Moore and other flaky leftists say they will leave the country if a Republican wins the presidency, and one of these days they may actually mean it, though I doubt it. I recall my mentor Stan Evans joking that “I voted for George W. Bush because Alec Baldwin said he’d leave the country. Which just goes to show that pragmatism doesn’t work.”

Anyway, this Tweet thread from a former hive-mind journalist Michelle Kosinski is just too delicious not to celebrate:

A few weeks ago, I had dinner with a few couples, friends of friends, all American. All were well-educated and successful in careers. They seemed great! On the surface. For like an hour. But slowly, over a few drinks, they began to let slip their true MAGA natures….

One of the couples each attended top ivy league colleges. But now that it was university time for their own kids, they were adamantly NOT letting them apply to any ivies. And were weird about explaining why. Though the kids were double legacies. Okayyy… moving on…

The next crew suddenly busted out with air quotes when mentioning climate change. Again, these are otherwise smart people. Not scientists, clearly. But educated. And the dude took seething umbrage when my friend mentioned the damage Trump had done and vowed to continue to do.

The others– when they realized that a few in their presence came armed with (gasp) actual facts (NO!)– quickly changed the subject and nervously said they don’t want to talk politics. They realized they would be eviscerated on all idiotic points, especially on the economy.

As it went on, my friends and I realized we were surrounded by otherwise carefully closeted MAGAts. It’s funny how the extremist or just wrong beliefs can’t help but leak out, even when you least expect them, and from people you least expect. They are out there.

This dinner continues to haunt me. They all seemed so… normal. When I asked the couple who were my old friends how THEY didn’t know, they said that in their upscale FL neighborhood, people are extremely careful not to ever broach or debate the subject. This is not healthy.

If a dinner party “continues to haunt me,” just imagine how she’s going to react the morning after the election? I’d reserve my one-way flight to Denmark right away.

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