
Waking up to Wokery?

Featured image The biggest political question of the next year is whether, assuming Democrats lose badly in November, the progressive left that is the ballast of the Democratic Party will be able to pivot back toward the center as Bill Clinton did by degrees after the 1994 mid-term upended 40 years of Democratic hegemony on Capitol Hill. Never mind Biden, who has neither the feral intelligence nor retail political skills Clinton had. »

Have We Reached a Turn Against Wokism?

Featured image As noted here yesterday, the Washington Post decided to boot out an entitled Millennial, which comes in the same week that San Francisco voters booted out a woke prosecutor, and we know that Netflix has told its own staff that anyone who doesn’t like offerings like Dave Chapelle or Ricky Gervais might want to seek employment elsewhere (and then cancelled a planned children’s show based on the “work” of Ibram »

Only the Woke Need Apply [Updated]

Featured image From the Telegraph, a story that sums up much that is wrong with the West. Calvin Robinson has been studying at Oxford for the last two years to become an Anglican priest. Robinson was scheduled to begin a curacy at a parish in London, but the post was denied him and he was told the church did not have a role for him. Why? Mr Robinson submitted a subject access »

Today’s Satire Is Tomorrow’s Woke Dogma

Featured image A reader sends along this article, supposedly by a real estate professional, about the sales terms that you should no longer use to promote a house on the market. I can’t tell if this story is deadpan satire, an earnest attempt to adapt to our wokerati, or a prophecy about the future. You decide: Some of my clients’ multiple listing services flag questionable words and phrases, while others do not. »

Let’s end political litmus tests in education

Featured image “Diversity statements” are the latest device the left has come up with to impose and enforce woke conformity in education. Stanley Kurtz explains how they work: Let’s say you’re applying for a teaching job at a university. In addition to submitting a CV and a description of your academic research, many universities now require you to answer a series of questions designed to prove your commitment to the ideology and »

Aaron Wildavsky on Whoopi Goldberg

Featured image Those who recognize the name Aaron Wildavsky will rightly wonder how the great political scientist could possibly comment on the Whoopi’s whoopsie, since he died in 1993. But I want to suggest he was highly prescient about what is going on today on racial politics in America. In a classic 1990 essay on “The Search for the Oppressed” (not available online unfortunately), Wildavsky noted how the left was trying to »

The big yawn

Featured image Tomorrow, the Washington Football Team will announce its new name. The team will do so on NBC’s Today Show. Apparently, those in charge of the team and the network think there’s significant national interest in what the former Redskins will call themselves. I doubt there is. Most fans of the team are interested in the new name, but I’m not among them. I don’t care. Here are my two predictions »

Woke ballet at Princeton, Part Three

Featured image The Princeton University Ballet, a student-run ballet company, has gone full woke. So has Princeton’s EDI in the Arts Circuit, which apparently is tied to the University’s administration. Responding to my first post on the subject, a friend called my attention to this passage from Kurt Vonnegut’s 1961 short story “Harris Bergeron.”: THE YEAR WAS 2081, and everybody was finally equal. They weren’t only equal before God and the law. »

Woke ballet at Princeton, Part Two

Featured image In Part One of this series, I reported on the plan of student leaders of the Princeton University Ballet to (among other things) “decolonize” their practice of ballet, “deemphasize technique,” and exclude from membership Princeton ballet enthusiasts who are unwilling to engage in their brand of activism. In Part II, I want to consider Princeton’s stance on these matters. As I understand it, the EDI [equity, diversity, and inclusion] in »

Woke ballet at Princeton, Part One

Featured image Perhaps I should have called this post “Why ballet at Princeton?” A document sent by the leaders of the Princeton University Ballet (PUB), the student-run ballet club, seems to argue by implication for ditching ballet altogether. The document begins: Ballet is rooted in white supremacy and perfectionism. We are all entering this space with a mindset that what we see as perfect is a white standard. Unlearning that will be »

Who really cares about the Uighurs?

Featured image American venture capitalist Chamath Palihapitiya doesn’t. He made this clear in a podcast. Among other things, he said: Nobody cares about it. Nobody cares about what’s happening to the Uyghurs, okay?… Of all the things that I care about, yes, it is below my line, okay? These comments turned out not to be “okay.” The pushback was such that Palihapitiya later tried to walk his callousness back. After a day »

Peter Berkowitz on the “common-good” conservatism debate

Featured image I’ve written a few posts about common-good/national conservatism and its challenge to the mainstream conservative movement as it has existed since the 1960s. Two of these posts are basically summaries of presentations in a forum hosted by The New Criterion. Among other things, my posts summarized the lead, anti-common-good conservatism piece by Kim Holmes and a rebuttal by Josh Hammer. Peter Berkowitz covers this ground in an article called “The »

The Miserable Life in Woke Silicon Valley

Featured image A reader directed me to this Twitter thread from someone who goes by the name Hazard Harrington, who works in Silicon Valley. I have no way of verifying the truth of the person or his position, but it certainly squares with a lot of other accounts of how woefully woke Silicon Valley has become—the more so in the time of COVID—so I am reasonably confident it is authentic: I work »

Woke Capitalism, Unilever Edition

Featured image Unilever is a massive international conglomerate headquartered in London that predominantly sells food products. Like many other companies Unilever has gone “woke,” as its web site reflects. Unilever claims to be all about its “values,” a company that “take[s] action on the issues affecting our world.” But many observers are not convinced. The Telegraph headlines: “Investment star Terry Smith attacks Unilever for ‘ludicrous’ focus on social and environmental issues.” One »

The Guardian “cancels” J.K. Rowling as person of the year

Featured image On December 15, the Guardian, a lefty British newspaper, ran a “person of the year” contest. The paper asked: “Time Magazine chose billionaire Tesla boss Elon Musk – but who would be your choice?” The Daily Wire reports that J.K. Rowling quickly emerged as the runaway leader in the poll. Whereupon the voting form disappeared, as did the results. A message in small print stated: “This form has been deactivated »

Teachers take a stand against the war on homework

Featured image I wrote here about the war on grades and homework in some of California’s largest school district. Inevitably, that war is spreading. It has come to Arlington County, Virginia, for example. Naturally, there is pushback in Arlington. Surprising, perhaps, some of the pushers are liberal. Let’s start by examining what the Arlington School Board is considering. Its preliminary proposal calls for the following: No late penalties for homework. No extra »

The horror! Spanish actor plays a Cuban-American

Featured image “Being the Ricardos” is a film about a week in the life of the cast of “I Love Lucy.” With so many sports events cancelled due to the Wuhan coronavirus, I watched this movie on Amazon Prime last week. The plot centers around (1) the marital problems of Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz and (2) the turmoil stemming from reports that Ball once registered to vote as a Communist. There’s »