Search Results for: dubious donations

Dubious donations illustrated

Featured image As we note below, the Obama campaign does not require the widely used CVV 3-digit security code feature for credit card transactions on its Web site. Anyone, anywhere can donate to President Obama’s re-election campaign — as Adrian Murray did in the name of Adolf Hitler yesterday. The Obama campaign is thus facilitating illegal and fraudulent campaign contributions, just as it did in 2008. Watch the intrepid volunteer below repeating »

Dubious donations (2012 edition)

Featured image Barack Obama has proved the greatest campaign fund-raiser of all time by a long shot. In 2008 his campaign raised more than $750 million. The Obama campaign even went the extra mile to raise campaign funds by failing to adopt standard protections against fraudulent and illegal giving. Federal law prohibits foreign contributions and requires the disclosure of identifying information for contributions in excess of $200. Campaigns must accordingly keep running »

George Stephanopoulos’ dubious apology

Featured image George Stephanopoulos has issued an apology of sorts for failing to disclose his contribution to the Clinton Foundation, as he tried to grill Peter Schweizer over his investigative reporting about the Clinton Foundation. Stephanopoulos said this: I made charitable donations to the foundation in support of the work they’re doing on global AIDS prevention and deforestation, causes I care about deeply. I thought that my contributions were a matter of »

Credit card fraud: Hillary edition

Featured image Barack Obama’s two presidential campaigns pioneered the acceptance of illegal foreign donations. I first wrote about it in the 2008 New York Post column “Dubious donations.” In 2012 it was same as it ever was, or so it seemed. By September 2012 Peter Schweizer’s Government Accountability Institute had produced a 98-page report documenting the phenomenon. The silence of the mainstream media showed it was same as it ever was in »

Dreams From His Aunt

Yesterday Glenn Reynolds made the rounds in his usual style, spotlighting an interesting story and related posts on Barack Obama’s aunt Zeituni Onyango (I’ve deleted the “update” notations): MAYBE SOMEBODY SHOULD SPREAD SOME WEALTH AROUND IN HIS OWN FAMILY: Obama Aunt Found in Rundown Boston Slum. Zeituni Onyango, the aunt so affectionately described in Mr Obama’s best-selling memoir Dreams from My Father, lives in a disabled-access flat on a rundown »

Obama shrugged

Last week we explored the fundraising practices of Barack Obama’s online credit card donations in “Who is John Galt?” and “What did Della Ware?” New York Times reporter Michael Luo took a look at the story for the Times’s campaign blog in “Obama’s online site accepts more fakes,” but missed the heart of the story. Over the weekend, National Journal posted Neil Munro’s “FEC rules leave loopholes for online donation »

How to Handle a Senate Demagogue

Featured image It is hard to single out the most egregious demagogue in the U.S. Senate, but near or at the top of my list is Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse. He likes to blast “dark money” even though Democrats by far receive more so-called “dark money” than conservatives or Republicans. (I’m updating my periodic Lexicon of Political Terms accordingly, to reflect that “dark money” means “donations from the private sector that »

Why Mueller Didn’t Indict the Russians For Meddling In the Presidential Election [Updated]

Featured image I wrote here about Robert Mueller’s indictment of 13 Russian citizens and three Russian companies. The indictment is an odd one, as I pointed out: Its very first paragraph recites that it is against the law for foreign nationals to spend money to influence US elections, or for agents of foreign countries to engage in political activities without registering. But no one is charged with these crimes. Instead, the indictment »

Mueller hires another Clinton backer

Featured image “Special counsel” Robert Mueller has hired another liberal Democrat to his expanding team. He has added Elizabeth Prelogar, who serves in the Office of the Solicitor General. Prelogar’s credentials are impressive, but do not appear to include prosecution or investigative experience. It looks like she has been added to help liberal Michael Dreeben, also of the Solicitor General’s Office, concoct a legal case against President Trump. As the National Law »

Weasel words from a weasel

Featured image ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos failed to disclose his $75,000 in contributions and other connections to the Clinton Foundation as he interrogated Peter Schweizer regarding his book Clinton Cash. He didn’t mention his work as a campaign operative and administration official on behalf of Bill Clinton either, but ABC viewers are apparently assumed to bring that knowledge to the table. (Wrong, but who are we to judge?) When Stephanopoulos’s contributions »

Why Lerner took the Fifth

Featured image Whether or not IRS Director of Exempt Organizations Lois Lerner properly asserted her Fifth Amendment right not to testify absorbed commentators after her appearance before the House Oversight Committee last week. But the question why Lerner took the Fifth has not received a comparably close look. Before asserting the Fifth Amendment, Lerner denied that she has misled Congress. Thus the controversy over whether Lerner had waived her Fifth Amendment protection. »

Dreams From His Aunt, part 2

Yesterday we noted the London Times (here) and Boston Globe (here) news stories on Barack Obama’s aunt Zeituni Onyango. Ms. Onyango was found living in run-down Boston public housing, though she has enough money to have contributed $260 to Obama’s campaign. The Times took the contribution as evidence that Ms. Onyango is an American citizen. Mark Steyn commented: “By definition, if you donate to Barack the Good, you must be »

Obama Shrugged: The Website

We continue to receive reports of dubious (i.e., illegal) donations to the Obama campaign. Yesterday Mark Steyn reported the contribution of “Adolfe Hitler” of 1 Reichstag Building. Herr “Hitler” received a grateful acknowledgement of his contribution: Dear Adolfe, Thanks for joining this movement. It will take all of us working together to bring change to this country, and we wanted to make sure you know about all the opportunities to »

Who is John Galt?

We’ve previously noted the gusher of illegal campaign contributions flowing into the Obama campaign from contributors such as “Doodad Pro” and “Good Will.” More recently, incidents have been reported in which people have seen credit card charges surface suggesting they donated to Barack Obama when they did not. Matthew Mosk and Sarah Cohen noted one such incident earlier this week: Now comes the story of Mary T. Biskup, of Manchester, »

Bill Moyers Smears a Better Man Than Himself

On January 30, the Minneapolis Star Tribune published as an op-ed the text of a speech by liberal commentator Bill Moyers. Moyers delivered the speech upon the occasion of his receiving an environmental award from a group at Harvard Medical School. Like pretty much everything Moyers writes, the article was an attack on the Bush administration. Specifically, he alleged that the Bush administration’s policies, as they relate to the environment, »