Author Archives: John Hinderaker

What Energy Transition?

Featured image The press, and many politicians, constantly assure us that the world is in the midst of a transition from fossil fuels to “green” energy, which means wind turbines, solar panels, and mostly fictitious batteries. But is any such transition actually in progress? No. Robert Bryce has the numbers. No such transition is taking place in the U.S.; on the contrary, last year natural gas-fired electricity generation increased 9.5 times as »

Italy Goes Nuclear

Featured image It has been a very long time since anyone held up Italy as a model of a well-governed country. Not since Roman times, perhaps. But Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has Italy moving in a good direction. That applies to energy along with many other issues. Thus: In a decisive shift from its past policies, Italy, under the leadership of Premier Giorgia Meloni and Environment and Energy Security Minister Gilberto Pichetto, »

Long-Delayed Gaza Attack Under Way

Featured image After a long delay, apparently caused at least in part by opposition from the Biden Administration, Israel has finally begun to attack the Hamas stronghold of Rafah. The move on Rafah was, or should have been, inevitable: Israel can only win the war if it crushes Hamas, and it can’t do that without attacking the terrorist organization’s final redoubt. To me, it seemed that the delay in going into Rafah »

Who Is Paying For the Protests? [Updated]

Featured image The anti-Semitic and anti-American protests that have engulfed college campuses are among the most disgraceful events of our recent history. A lot of people want to know, who is paying for, supporting and coordinating these outrages? Politico has been looking into that question: President Joe Biden has been dogged for months by pro-Palestinian protesters calling him “Genocide Joe” — but some of the groups behind the demonstrations receive financial backing »

Trump +10?

Featured image If Democrats aren’t pushing the panic button, they should be. Rasmussen’s latest has Trump ahead of Biden by ten points: Despite being on trial in New York City, former President Donald Trump has widened his lead over President Joe Biden during the past month. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that, in a three-way contest between Biden, Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., 46% of Likely »

Al Gore, Statesman?

Featured image Until I saw Lloyd Billingsley’s post, I hadn’t realized that Joe Biden awarded Al Gore, among others, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The White House’s press release is here. This year’s recipients were the usual mixed bag, but I want to focus specifically on Gore. This is what Gore’s citation says: Al Gore is a former Vice President, United States Senator, and member of the House of Representatives. After winning »

Trump: Still Too Hot to Handle

Featured image President Trump is running this ad in Georgia, reportedly targeted to specific geographies within that state. Its message is powerful and, if you are a Democrat, nuclear: Trump’s Super PAC is running this ad in rural Georgia counties targeting Black men. — Alex Thompson (@AlexThomp) May 3, 2024 Google reportedly censored the ad. Instead of the ad playing, there was a notice that it was “removed for a policy »

Now They Tell Us!

Featured image Today the New York Times has a long article about the fact that covid vaccines have been responsible for a limited number of deaths. The article is featured in the paper’s daily email; this is how it begins: Let me start with a disclaimer: The subject of today’s newsletter will make some readers uncomfortable. It makes me a little uncomfortable. It makes the Times uncomfortable because it involves recanting a »

The Farce Continues

Featured image Alvin Bragg’s prosecution of Donald Trump continues in Juan Merchan’s Manhattan courtroom. Today’s testimony was devoted mostly to the “Access Hollywood” tape, in which Trump made an obscene reference to the liberties that celebrities are allowed to take. What that has to do with the “crime” with which he is charged, God only knows. The gist of the prosecution’s case is that Trump tried to prevent bad stories about him, »

Trump To Be Fined Again? Then What?

Featured image Judge Juan Merchan is considering a motion by Alvin Bragg’s office to fine Donald Trump an additional amount for further violations of Merchan’s unconstitutional gag order. Merchan has also threatened to throw Trump in jail. So what did Trump do to merit such a response? The four new alleged violations are quoted here. Trump criticized the Manhattan venue and expressed concern that the jury would be unfair: “That jury was »

It Didn’t Start In College

Featured image Many Americans have been shocked at the spectacle of thousands of college students, along with thousands more non-college students, engaging in kill-the-Jews riots. These people are demonstrating in favor of Hamas, which means in favor of gang rape and mass murder. How could this possibly have happened? I have seen suggestions that left-wing professors have led students astray, and no doubt that is true. We have seen many professors participating »

A Sign of the Times

Featured image Eurovision is the annual European (and beyond) popular music contest that has become a giant cultural event. Each country is represented by a single singer or group, and the competition is intense. This year’s contest will begin on Tuesday in Malmo, Sweden. Israel has won the competition four times, most recently in 2018. This year it is represented by a 20-year-old woman named Eden Golan. But the contest will not »

What Should Trump Do?

Featured image This morning, Judge Juan Merchan fined Donald Trump $9,000 and threatened to imprison him for violating Merchan’s gag order in the farcical Stormy Daniels case. The order prohibits Trump from commenting publicly on witnesses, jurors or prospective jurors, prosecutors (other than the District Attorney), staff members of the court or District Attorney, or family members of various persons. The offending statements by Trump were mostly reposts of comments by others »

Disaster at Columbia [Updated]

Featured image Kill-the-Jews protesters at Columbia have taken over that school’s main administration building, Hamilton Hall. Scenes from the campus are horrifying: Students at Columbia University have occupied Hamilton hall. Today the university president explicitly said to students the school would not be divesting and threatened to suspend students protesting. The last time this building was taken over by student protesters was in 1968 — Lama Al-Arian (@lalarian) April 30, 2024 »

Britain Gets Sane

Featured image Britain’s National Health Service is aligning itself with reality by acknowledging that sex is a biological fact: The NHS is to declare that sex is a matter of biology in a landmark shift against gender ideology. Changes to the health service’s written constitution proposed by ministers will for the first time ban trans women from women-only wards, and give women the right to request a female doctor for intimate care. »

Who Are These People?

Featured image So who is behind the kill-the-Jews campus protests that, as Steve noted earlier today, have panicked Congressional Democrats who fear a political debacle as in 1968? Consistent with the retro nature of the protests, the organizers appear to be largely left-wing retreads, with a financial assist, it is reported, from one or more Soros entities. Take, for example, Charlotte Kates. Kates has been prominent in the Columbia protests: Radical anti-Israel »

US Set to Regress From Modernity

Featured image Liberals denounce Donald Trump as a would-be tyrant, but the fact is that he ruled less by executive order than any other recent president. It is Joe Biden who has discarded the Constitution and imposed a blizzard of illegal or probably-illegal regulations on the rest of us. Lately, they have been coming so furiously that it is hard to keep up with them. The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board caught »