Michael Moore is with you

We have carefully charted the support of fools and miscreants who have joined Power Line readers mischievously pulling for Keith Ellison to win his bid for election to the DNC chairmanship. Former Obama administration Secretary of Labor Tom Perez is Ellison’s chief competition. I think Perez has to be rated the favorite to prevail among the members of the DNC who meet today in Atlanta to elect their new leader.

The mainstream media have followed the race with great intensity. It’s a little hard to fathom until you pause to reflect. They have a deep professional interest in the selection of their new leader.

On Ellison’s home front, Star Tribune Washington reporter Allison Sherry has served as a sort of cheerleader for Ellison. The Star Tribune has once again passed over the opportunity to take a serious look at Ellison’s outré past or his boredom representing the district that includes the Star Tribune.

This time around the Star Tribune has left it to Mother Jones to dig into Ellison’s long, long association with the hate cult known as the Nation of Islam. It’s an interesting story that I’ve been telling now for more than ten years, on Power Line and in the Weekly Standard and even in the Star Tribune (thanks to commentary editor Doug Tice).

In her preview of this week’s voting Sherry refers to “new questions about [Ellison’s] past connections to the Nation of Islam[.]” If you get your news from the Star Tribune, however, you will have missed the “new questions.”

Sherry notes that the Nation of Islam “has been subject to accusations of anti-Semitism.” You don’t say. Maybe it’s for the best that Sherry hasn’t gotten around to exploring the “new questions about Ellison’s past connections[.]” She lacks the necessities to sort them out.

Ellison represents the Sanders/Warren wing of the party, Perez the current Democratic establishment. I don’t think there’s a dime’s worth of difference between them. They both represent the identity politics on which the Democrats have staked their future.

Ellison also embodies the Democrats’ alliance with Islamist forces. He is an exceedingly unsavory character. He is, so to speak, a bad dude. If he were to win the contest in the voting today Ellison would resign his congressional seat, but it would be foolish for Minnesotans to take comfort in that. He would only open the seat for another left-wing lunatic from Minneapolis.

Late this week Michael Moore announced his support for Ellison. “We need Keith Ellison as the DNC chair,” according to Moore. Moore, however, is apparently unfamiliar either with Ellison or with Minnesota. “Before he was a congressman in Minnesota,” Moore asserted, “he helped turn Minnesota from what was then a red state into a blue state.”

So Michael Moore doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Civil rights hero John Lewis has also endorsed Ellison (video below). Ellison, according to Lewis, was “born to organize.” There is some truth to that depending, as Bill Clinton might say, on what you mean by “organize.”

Lewis tries to work up a head of steam making the case for Ellison, but the numerous edits in the video make a statement of their own. Quotable quote: “He is the man for the season.” You mean he’s not a man for all seasons?

[jwplayer file=”https://youtu.be/RDHjk6NJ0wM”]

Soon it will all be over but the crying and the lying.

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