All politically-correct people know you are supposed to shun Chick-fil-A because its founder supports traditional marriage. Well someone forgot to post the memo at Denver International Airport, where a brand new Chick-fil-A recently opened (picture below) to hugely long lines at all times of the day—I’ve been by it four times now since it opened a couple months ago—lines at least three times as long as any of the other nearby food outlets in the B concourse.
Well now you can add In-N-Out burgers to the list of food purveyors that good liberals are supposed to boycott. It seems In-N-Out made a contribution to the—gasp!—California Republican Party! The LA Times reports:
The head of the California Democratic Party this week called for a boycott of the popular West Coast fast-food chain In-N-Out after a public filing revealed that the company had donated $25,000 to the state’s Republican Party.
Party Chairman Eric Bauman in a tweet Wednesday linked to a story about the contribution, wrote, “Et tu In-N-Out?” with the hashtag #BoycottInNOut.
Other Twitter users also expressed their disappointment, announcing they will no longer patronize the restaurant. “Looks like my family and I will be boycotting your restaurants from now on. You donate to the GOP, that means you stand with Trump and all his bigotry,” one Twitter user said.
I actually hope this catches on with liberals, because In-N-Out is always packed, and I’ll enjoy it if the liberals thin themselves out from the crowd. It will make for a more pleasant dining experience.
For readers in the east who don’t know it, In-N-Out burgers are certifiably the best chain burgers in the country. Don’t event think of trying to argue the matter in the comments section: it’s scientifically proven. I go at least once a week to a local outlet, and will probably move that to twice a week now that I know that liberals won’t be there.
It gets even better. In-N-Out burgers are esoteric, Straussian burgers. Yup—In-n-Out has a “secret menu.”
Actually, the real secret of In-N-Out is not all that secret, but you have to look closely at the fine print on the bottom of their drink cups:
Wait till California liberals find out about this! (Though someone may need to tell them that “John 3:16” is a reference to that samizdat book called The Bible.) Not only that, In-N-Out serves their drinks with plastic straws!
P.S. Turns out that In-N-Out has also made contributions to the California Democratic Party. You’ve heard of them: they’re the party of tolerance and inclusion.
P.P.S. I really do hope liberals extend this boycott mentality to other companies. Pharmaceutical companies tend to support Republicans very heavily. Maybe liberals will boycott taking life-saving prescription meds. The oil and natural gas companies also tilt heavily Republican. Liberals should stop buying gasoline, heating oil, and natural gas. Especially in winter. That’ll show ’em.
UPDATE—On Twitter, Cam Edwards has a good suggestion for California Democrats:
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