The erratic Andrew Sullivan has a pretty good piece up at New York magazine about the Covington boys school affair on the Washington mall, and correctly notes that the mainstream media totally lets the Black Hebrew Israelites off the hook. Even the egregious Southern Poverty Law Center identifies the Black Hebrew Israelites as a hate group, but, as Sullivan notes:
And yet the elite media seemed eager to downplay their role, referring to them only in passing, noting briefly that they were known to be anti-Semitic and anti-gay. After several days, the New York Times ran a news analysis on the group by John Eligon that reads like a press release from the sect: “They shout, use blunt and sometimes offensive language, and gamely engage in arguments aimed at drawing listeners near.” He notes that “they group people based on what they call nations, believing that there are 12 tribes among God’s chosen people. White people are not among those tribes, they believe, and will therefore be servants when Christ returns to Earth.” Nothing to see here, folks. Just a bunch of people preaching the enslavement of another race in public on speakers in the most inflammatory language imaginable. . .
The Washington Post ran a Style section headline about “the calculated art of making people uncomfortable.” In a news story entirely about the Black Israelites, the Washington Post did not quote a single thing they had said on the tape, gave a respectful account of their theology, and only mentioned their status as a “hate group” in the 24th paragraph, and put the term in scare quotes. Vox managed to write an explainer that also did not include a single example of any of the actual insults hurled at the Covington kids. Countless near-treatises were written parsing the layers of bigotry inside a silent schoolboy’s smirk.
This is why more and more Americans don’t just distrust the mainstream media—they are coming to loathe and despise them, and deservedly so. Sullivan is more mild in his language, but essentially agrees:
There’s a reason why, in the crucial battle for the legitimacy of a free press, Trump is still on the offensive. Our mainstream press has been poisoned by tribalism. My own trust in it is eroding. I’m far from the only one. . .
What was so depressing to me about the Covington incident was how so many liberals felt comfortable taking a random teenager and, purely because of his race and gender, projected onto him all their resentments and hatred of “white men” in general.
David Bernstein of Scalia Law School at George Mason took note of a comment on Sullivan’s article that had been posted to another site:
NOW I’ve simplified the situation for myself. I don’t know who was truly the aggressor/bad guy in this situation (outside the black KKK shitheads) BUT I DO KNOW THIS:
These were wealthy, privileged, white teenagers in MAGA hats marching against abortion.
That is plenty of reason to want to skullfuck all of them until there is nothing left but giblets and red jelly. I don’t hate them for smirking and (peacefully!) protesting against people they disagree with, and I don’t hate them for they did necessarily, I hate them for what they are and what they represent.
Fuck these kids for their politics, fuck them for their Catholicism and their kkkuntserveatism and their hateful hats. You shouldn’t need a video of some shitheel with a punchable face to know that.
Also, lulz at Andrew Sullivan for complaining about anti-Catholicism like that’s a bad thing.
But remember everybody, it’s conservatives who are hate-filled bigots who judge people because of the color of their skin.
Since living well is the best revenge, it is worth celebrating this parody Gillette ad based on the fiasco:
And in the “living well is the best revenge” department, may I recommend something for your tasting list:
Actually I haven’t tasted it yet myself, but it gets a 95 rating from the Wine Spectator, so this looks like an obvious Cellar Selection for the Power Line Wine Club. I’ve ordered a half-case.
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