Thomas Sowell just turned 90, but he is still on the case. Indeed, his new book — Charter Schools and Their Enemies — was published on his 90th birthday. Among the many tributes to Sowell at 90 are this one by Steve Hanke and Richard Ebeling at NR (Ebeling has more here), this one by Mark Perry at AEI, and this one by his friend Walter Williams at Jewish World Review (more here).
Mark Levin hosted Sowell on the FOX News show Life, Liberty & Levin last night. Below is the opening segment. The entire episode with Sowell is posted here on YouTube. In the opening segment Sowell addresses the cultural revolution that stares us in the teeth. “Even though I’m regarded as pessimistic,” he observes, “I was never pessimistic enough to think things would degenerate to the point where they are now where adult human beings are talking about getting rid of the police…”
Sowell expresses astonishment at the lack of resistance to the madness: “I never dreamed we’d come to this point. It just seems such utter madness. And what is frightening is how many people in responsible positions are caving in to every demand that is made, repeating any kind of nonsense that you’re supposed to repeat.”
Quotable quote: “If you insulate people from paying the price of being wrong, you’re going to get a lot of wrong things done.”
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