The Biden administration’s energy policies could not possibly be less coherent. The administration, from its first day in office, moved aggressively to suppress fossil fuel production in the U.S. The inevitable result has been a sharp rise in the prices of oil and gas. Having caused the problem, the administration has now set out to remedy it by buying gas and oil wherever it can be found–from Russia, notwithstanding the Ukraine invasion; from Saudi Arabia; and most recently from Venezuela.
Via InstaPundit, Bryan Dean White sums up succinctly:
Joe Biden is frantically searching the globe to see if anyone but Texas might have some spare oil.
— BDW (@BryanDeanWright) March 7, 2022
And the Babylon Bee has a modest proposal that makes sense in the bizarre world of Joe Biden: “Biden Sells Alaska Back To Russia So We Can Start Drilling For Oil There Again.”
No discussion of incoherence would be complete without a contribution from Kamala Harris. She explains that $4 a gallon gas is part of a grand plan to “transition” transportation–a plan that has now reached a “turning point.” As always, the Democrats want expensive gas but don’t want to take political responsibility for expensive gas:
Kamala Harris says "our transportation sector has reached a turning point" to make a "transition" on energy
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) March 7, 2022
The American people, on the other hand, are not conflicted about $4 a gallon gasoline. They want the price to come down, and they understand, at a basic level, the law of supply and demand. Thus, Rasmussen finds that a whopping 70% of likely voters want “the U.S. government [to] encourage increased oil and gas production to reduce America’s dependence on foreign sources of oil and gas,” with only 18 percent opposed. That is, only 18% of likely voters agree with the Biden administration’s energy policies, to the extent they can intelligibly be described.
Another thing the voters are right about: 88 percent say “energy policy will be important in this year’s congressional elections, including 60% who say it will be Very Important.” That spells trouble for the Democrats.
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