Joe Biden is toast

The morning of September 9, 2004, I called John Hinderaker and asked him to help me review the emails with which we were inundated following my “Sixty-First Minute” post. John scrolled through the emails and called me back half an hour later. “60 Minutes is toast,” he told me.

John’s formulation returns to mind in connection with the revelations regarding Joe Biden’s retention of classified documents following his exit from office as vice president in January 2017. Someone — and I mean some one person — leaked word of the investigation resulting from the first such set of documents discovered in a closet at the Penn Biden Center.

I have played the story almost entirely for laughs. The laughs continued this week with further revelations of other classified documents in Biden’s possession. The hilarity culminated in the disclosure that Biden had classified documents deposited in his the garage of his Wilmington home along with his beloved Corvette. Hey, but the garage was locked! (as Biden advised Peter Doocy).

On Thursday we duly noted in “Ms. found in a garage” that Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed a Special Counsel to investigate the Biden matter (as I call it). Having jumped to appoint a Special Counsel on the Trump/Mar-a-Lago matter, the leaks must have shamed Garland into it.

Given that the Biden matter goes back to November 2 of last year, one has to wonder who the phantom leaker is and why now. What is going on? The great El Rushbo may have foreseen all.

I have thought that nothing will come of the Biden matter in itself and treated it accordingly. It nevertheless deserves the attention lavished on it because of Biden’s mournful judgment on the Trump matter in his 60 Minutes interview with the fawning Scott Pelley. Any sane person can now hear Biden passing judgment on himself in this clip.

What can Biden say now? He can only plead ignorance. He didn’t know anything. He didn’t do anything. He is clueless!

For political purposes, it is a devastating defense. It can’t withstand his own mournful judgment on Trump. I therefore hazard the guess that Biden is toast.

There is nothing funny about Joe Biden. Every day he remains in office he does incalculable damage to the country. The Biden matter is likely the least of it. He has dissolved our southern border, prioritized the climate madness, furthered the woke insanity, weakened our military, promoted a gusher of federal spending, and so on. His administration is shoddy and destructive. He is personally corrupt. Yet the vision of Biden passing judgment on himself is hilarious.

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