Imported Drunks and Murderers

Salvadoran national Jose Guadalupe Menjivar-Alas, a four-time deportee, was recently taken into custody in Colorado “after a mother and her son died in a drunken driving collision.”  In 2022, a non-citizen and alleged MS-13 gang member was charged with the murder of  20-year-old Kayla Hamilton.

In late December 2018, false-documented illegal Gustavo Perez Arriaga, also known as Paulo Virgen Mendoza, murdered Newman, California, police officer Ronil “Ron” Singh, a legal immigrant from Fiji who came to the United States to work in law enforcement. A group of seven illegals aided the murderer’s flight.

In 2015, Mexican national Jose Inez Garcia Zarate, a repeat felon deported five times, gunned down Kate Steinle on Pier 14 in San Francisco. In 2014 in Sacramento, previously deported Mexican Luis Bracamontes killed police officers Danny Oliver and Michael Davis, proclaiming in court that he wanted to “kill more cops soon.” These horrible cases all fall short of the worst.

In 1971, near Yuba City, California, previously deported Mexican national Juan Corona murdered and mutilated Charles Fleming, Melford Sample, Donald Smith, John J. Haluka, Warren Kelley, Sigurd Beierman, William Emery Kamp, Clarence Hocking, James W. Howard, Jonah R. Smallwood, Elbert T. Riley, Paul B. Allen, Edward Martin Cupp, Albert Hayes, Raymond Muchache, John H. Jackson, Lloyd Wallace Wenzel, Mark Beverly Shields, Sam Bonafide and Joseph Maczak. The victims ranged in age from 40-68 and not a single one was Mexican.

The evidence against Corona was overwhelming but the state wasted $5 million on a second trial. His victims included two African Americans and a Native American, but the murders were never considered a hate crime. Corona died in March of 2018 at the age of 85, outliving fellow inmate Charles Manson. As Manson confirms, the United States has no need to import criminals, which is now going on at a record pace.

According to ICE records, drunk driver Jose Guadalupe Menjivar-Alas “has been previously removed and has no regard for immigration law.” Neither does the Biden Junta, now seeking to expand an imported electorate on the California model. More on that theme in a future post.

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