Jane, It Isn’t Going to Work

I don’t think I ever saw “Barbarella,” but I remember the Jane Fonda of those days. That was a long, long time ago. Nowadays, Fonda is campaigning to return us to the pre-modern era by encouraging a “p***y boycott” of anyone involved in the fossil fuel industry. Note that her phrase is bleeped here; the twitter post that I originally saw has been deleted:

At 86, Jane Fonda is not well positioned to lead such a movement. But more importantly, who is it who should be shamed? Those associated with fossil fuels, which have led us out of the pre-modern era? Who are the reason why we aren’t going around in donkey carts? Who fuel our automobiles, trucks and tractors? Who keep our lights on and heat our homes?

Or the “green” energy grifters who reap billions in federal subsidies and state mandates, who can’t even supply electricity without backup by real, reliable energy sources, who couldn’t exist in a competitive market, and who are making all of us poorer?

I don’t really have a problem with a p***y boycott, but if there is anyone whom young women should shun, it is those who work for grifter “green” companies that exist only by virtue of government connections, and who impoverish all the rest of us.

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