Search Results for: Climate change

The CIA on Climate Change

Featured image Roger Pielke Jr. of the University of Colorado notes that the State Department now has a searchable online database of historic documents, and Roger decided to see what a search for “climate change” would cough up. The very first thing is a CIA assessment from August 1974 on the dire consequences of . . . global cooling. Guess what? The world was going to come to an end! We were »

Climate Change Alarmism Is Founded On Dishonesty

Featured image I’ve said many times that I believe global warming alarmism to be the worst fraud in the history of science. What follows is just one of many illustrations of that point. The No Tricks Zone reminds us of how NASA GISS, keeper of temperature data for the U.S., has changed historical records to serve the political agenda of the alarmists: As recently as 1990, it was widely accepted that the »

Lake Superior Drying Up Due to Climate Change! No, Wait…

Featured image Today’s Minneapolis Star Tribune headlines: “Lake Superior is near record high and threatening shoreline.” The lake is within two inches of its highest recorded level, and the consequences are dire: Wayne Jensen sat on his narrow strip of Lake Superior shoreline last month, listening to waves crash against his small cliff and soaking in the scent of woods near Port Wing, Wis., his frequent escape from the bustle of his »

The Problem with Climate Change Fanaticism in Two Headlines

Featured image As we have noted here ad nauseam, ad infinitum, the climatistas suffer from an advanced case of extrapolation; i.e., pick out any adverse observation of something in nature, attribute it to climate change, and proclaim that it heralds the end of the planet if we don’t hand our car keys over to Al Gore right away. So let’s take in two recent headlines about the Great Barrier Reef in Australia: »

The Texas Storm and Climate Change

Featured image I’m sure if only President Trump had kept America in the Paris Climate Accord Hurricane Harvey would have blown back out to sea or not been as severe. That’s just about how the climatistas are predictably reacting to the flooding and devastation in Houston. Once again we have Roy Spencer on the case. While the media is rushing to make “unpredecented” the most overused word in their vocabulary, Prof. Roy »

Climate Change Article of the Year

Featured image A couple years ago I offered here some totally heretical thoughts on why, from a long-term historical perspective, even radical climate change was not the existential threat to humanity that the Goreacles of the world constantly scream about. It was a very long post, but here are a couple of highlights: Let’s start with a question that no one ever discusses: where do human beings live on this planet? Inuits »

Former Official: Obama Administration Misled on Climate Change

Featured image We have written about the corruption of climate science over and over again. Tragically, the agencies that are responsible for maintaining surface temperature records are staffed by zealots who put ideology ahead of science. Agency after agency around the world has been caught “adjusting” temperature records to fit the alarmists’ theories. They do this by lowering past temperature records and raising recent ones. Today the Daily Caller reveals a different »

Fake Science Gets Smoked—and What It Means for Climate Change

Featured image Cast your mind back to the late 1990s, when trial lawyers and state attorneys general were after the tobacco companies for what resulted in the “Master Settlement Agreement” by which the tobacco companies agreed to pay tribute of billions of dollars to the states for decades to come in exchange for relief from the uncertainty of endless private and public litigation. I think it was a great deal for Big »

Climate Change: Is There Anything It Can’t Do?

Featured image So, will global warming increase or decrease disease risk? The answer is Yes. The conventional wisdom about global warming and disease is that warming will cause more of it, even though it is curious to note that huge disparities in disease rates in tropical parts of the globe seem to stop at borders between rich and poor nations. Funny how that works. (And how oblivious the climatistas are to the »

Fight Climate Change: Go to Jail

Featured image If you’ve been wondering why “progressive” mayors like Bill de Blasio are so indifferent to rising crime and disorder, wonder no longer: It’s just another means of fighting climate change! I kid you not. From the New York Times science page yesterday: How Lowering Crime Could Contribute to Global Warming By Tatiana Schlossberg It sounds simple: If something has a big carbon footprint and you get rid of it, you »

Civil War on the Left, Part 28: Varieties of Climate Change Thinkers

Featured image Berkeley physicist Richard Muller offers in his book Energy for Future Presidents a typology of thought on climate change: So how do you classify me? A climate change denier? A global warming believer? In my book, Energy for Future Presidents (pig 74) I give the following categories: Alarmists. They pay little attention to the details of the science. They are “unconvincibles.” They say the danger is imminent, so scare tactics are »

Climate Change Hits the Snooze Button

Featured image One reason I’ve been writing much less about the climatistas here lately is that the subject has become such a crashing bore. Don’t take my word for it—just ask the lefty Media Mutters for America, the site David Brock curates to whine on Hillary’s behalf. Media Mutters has a new study out bemoaning that the major TV network news broadcasts are losing interest in climate change, despite the UN Paris »

Climate Change, the Long View

Featured image At Watts Up With That?, Dr. Tim Ball puts the climate change debate into historical perspective: Recent discussion about record weather events, such as the warmest year on record, is a totally misleading and scientifically useless exercise. This is especially true when restricted to the instrumental record that covers about 25% of the globe for at most 120 years. The age of the Earth is approximately 4.54 billion years, so »

Does Income Inequality Cause Climate Change—Or vice Versa?

Featured image We all know that climate change is responsible for the rise of ISIS and Islamic terrorism generally. So says Prince Charles, and he’s a prince after all. Also Bernie Sanders, who merely wants to be princely with your money. But wait—every lefty’s favorite economist, Thomas Piketty, has a different theory: Middle Eastern terrorism is caused by . . . wait for it now . . . income inequality! The new »

Climate Change, the Greatest Issue of the 21st Century

Featured image Yeah, right. With the latest U.N. confab scheduled to begin in Paris on Monday, global warming hysteria is being hyped by governments around the world. Reality, though, tends to intrude, as it did in Paris just a week or two ago. Between bullets and bombs on one hand, and the theoretical prospect of a one degree increase in average world temperatures on the other, which would bring us closer to »

Forget ISIS: Climate Change Caused Hitler!

Featured image Good news for John Kerry and Bernie Sanders. It turns out that global warming caused Hitler and Nazism! Since I’ve already done my “Hitler Learns About. . .” video for this month, I’ll just have to throw to Steven Goddard’s Real Science, which dug up this gem from the Mason City Gazette in 1941: Goddard has more at the link above, including how the CIA in the 1970s said global »

Climate Change Democracy Deniers

Featured image Back in 2009 I wrote in the Claremont Review of Books about the anti-democratic (that is, tyrannical) impulses of the climate change fanatics, noting the following examples: A year ago a senior fellow emeritus at Britain’s Policy Studies Institute, Mayer Hillman, author of How We Can Save the Planet, told a reporter, “When the chips are down I think democracy is a less important goal than is the protection of the »