Monthly Archives: October 2021

CRT: It Doesn’t Exist…And It’s Awesome! [with comment by Paul]

Featured image Critical Race Theory has become the number one political issue in the U.S. So, needless to say, it is the top issue in school board elections that are taking place across the country. Thus, in one of Minnesota’s largest school districts, the administration emailed talking points to school board members, telling them how to answer questions about CRT from concerned parents. No doubt many other districts have done the same. »

Two polls of interest

Featured image A new NBC News poll shows that Joe Biden’s approval among American adults has fallen to 42 percent. 54 percent disapprove. This represents a remarkable shrinkage. In August the same pollsters found America split 49-48 on Biden’s performance, with the marginally larger percentage approving of it. In April, they found that Americans approved of Biden’s performance, 53-39. Now, only 40 percent of adults approve of Biden’s handling of the economy. »

The migration crisis: “Americanists” vs. “Transformationalists”

Featured image Last weekend, American Greatness featured an article by John Fonte on the migration crisis as its “Weekend long read.” This weekend, I commend Fonte’s lengthy article to Power Line readers. Fonte’s piece is called “Migration Crisis Overview: Americanists vs. Transformationists.” His thesis is that Joe Biden’s immigration policy represents an existential conflict for America. Before getting to that argument, Fonte provides an excellent discussion of the harrowing state of our »

“Let’s Go Brandon!” In the Skies [with comment by Paul]

Featured image On Friday, a Southwest Airlines pilot signed off with the usual chatter directed at his passengers, and added, “and remember, let’s go Brandon.” It was a low-key invocation of the ubiquitous phrase: Reportedly, “Let’s go Brandon” is being heard on Southwest Airlines pilots’ radios even when not audible to passengers, and I have it on good authority that the same thing is happening on other airlines. This is hardly a »

Stephen Hunter: The Shooting

Featured image Our friend Stephen Hunter describes the column below as “one more Alec Baldwin piece, this from a film critic and acknowledged firearms expert.” Steve is the Pulitzer Prize-winning former film critic of the Washington Post and author of the Bob Lee Swagger novels. His new novel is TARGETED, which will be published in January by Atria/Emily Bestler Books and is available for pre-order now. Steve writes: What did Alec Baldwin »

In the Virginia race

Featured image Glenn Youngkin campaigned early yesterday morning in Alexandria, deeply Democratic territory just across the river from Washington. He tweeted out the photos below to convey the size of the crowd he drew. It’s probably a mistake to make much of crowds in this context — I’ll never forget my night among the throng packed into the old Minneapolis Auditorium for George McGovern in the summer of 1972 — but Youngkin »

Sunday morning coming down

Featured image If you listen to the right radio stations at this time of the year, you will hear a few songs associated with Halloween. On WUMB’s Highway 61 Revisited show yesterday, host Albert O devoted the entire four hours to songs fitting the day. He played oldies ranging from the traditional “Long Black Veil” (Johnny Cash’s cover) to Donovan’s “Season of the Witch” (covers by Vanilla Fudge as well as Al »

Ted Cruz grills Merrick Garland about possible conflict of interest

Featured image Following Merrick Garland’s recent appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee, we posted the portions of his testimony in which he answered (and sometimes evaded) the questions of Sen. Tom Cotton and Sen. Josh Hawley. In this post, I want to add Garland’s exchanges with Sen. Ted Cruz. Cruz did his usual effective job, and the entire thing is worth watching. Towards at the end, at around the seven minute mark, »

Show the World What You Think of CRT

Featured image Critical Race Theory–more specifically, the Left’s astonishingly successful drive to inflict it on our young people via the public schools–is the number one issue of this moment in our history. The entire point of CRT is to convince our youth that America is evil, and therefore must be destroyed. Or, as leftists prefer to put it, “fundamentally transformed.” This is what many if not most elementary school students are being »

“Passing” In the 21st Century

Featured image A central tenet of Critical Race Theory is that America’s institutions are “systemically” rigged to favor white people. POCs just can’t catch up, no matter what they do. Of course, if that were true it would be hard to explain why whites rank only 17th in median income, trailing such allegedly oppressed groups as Lebanese, Iranian, Pakistani, Syrian, Ghanian and Nigerian Americans, as well, of course, as Indian-Americans, whose median »

“Yes, Minister” Explains Facebook’s Dumb New Name

Featured image Leave it to the old “Yes, Minister” series to offer up an explanation of Facebook’s silly new name “Meta,” and several other current things as well. One obvious parallel: one thing MetaFacebook has in common with Metadioxin is that social media is certainly as toxic as dioxin. (Four minutes long.) »

Podcast: The 3WHH, “Let’s Go Bruno” Edition

Featured image The title of this week’s episode—”Let’s go Bruno”—requires some explanation, though you’d be right in assuming that “Bruno” fills the same place as “Brandon” in the more familiar slogan of the moment. In this case it refers to the famous and celebrated child psychologist Bruno Bettelheim. Lucretia was struck by Ann Bauer’s searing article at Tablet, “I Have Been Through This Before,” which recounts the awful abusiveness and quackery of »

Sapp’s law in Mankato

Featured image The Mankato (Minnesota) School board met on September 20. Concerned parents showed up to use the open forum time to voice disappointment with mask mandates. This was apparently the first meeting during which speakers were asked to state their addresses before speaking. The board next met on October 18. Ahead of open forum time board chairman Jodi Sapp announced a new ban on comments critical of specific school board members »

“Racism” is the last refuge of a scoundrel

Featured image Local Virginia reporter Elizabeth Holmes tweeted out the purported “white supremacist”/neo-Nazi stunt designed to taint Glenn Youngkin in the closing days of Terry McAulliffe’s desperate gubernatorial campaign. The reporter tweeted it out as a straight news story. These men approached @GlennYoungkin’s bus as it pulled up saying what sounded like, “We’re all in for Glenn.” Here they are standing in front of the bus as his campaign event at Guadalajara »

The Week in Pictures: Brandon’s Halloween Edition

Featured image So it’s Halloween weekend, and with several “Let’s Go Brandon” rap tunes topping the charts, I’d think some Biden costumes would be a big hit on the pumpkin spice trail tomorrow night, though any Biden costumes are probably stuck on a ship out in the ocean somewhere. Maybe improvise a supply-chain manager costume?   Headlines of the week: And finally. . .   »

Supply chain woes worsen following Biden’s intervention

Featured image Two weeks ago, Joe Biden announced with fanfare that he was taking steps towards having our main port facilities operate around the clock to alleviate the supply chain snags that are causing so much disruption. Since then, according to the Washington Post, the backlog of ships anchored off the coast of Southern California has increased. For example, as of Monday, 73 container ships were anchored in San Pedro Bay. That »

How Desperate Is the McAuliffe Campaign?

Featured image This desperate: earlier today a group of Democrats lined up in front of a Glenn Youngkin bus holding tikis, as part of an effort to tie Youngkin to Donald Trump/Charlottesville/white supremacy: Terry McAuliffe’s Communications Director said the men’s presence was “disgusting and disqualifying.” But no one was fooled, and she later deleted the tweet. Hey @jengoodman75 why did you delete this? — Comfortably Smug (@ComfortablySmug) October 29, 2021 Before »