In Rafah and Times Square

I had a busy day today, among other things writing this piece, on Minneapolis four years after the George Floyd riots, for the New York Post.

Catching up on Twitter, it looks like the IDF is making good progress in Rafah. As always, the “Palestinians” are great at terrorizing women and children, not so great at fighting actual soldiers:

The UNRWA is basically a terrorist adjunct. Also:

I hope this is all true. I thought that Israel should have ignored international pressure and cleaned out Rafah a long time ago, but then, I am not privy to all of the political and economic considerations that the Israeli government must weigh.

Meanwhile, people in Times Square are seeing the appalling video of Gazans tormenting kidnapped Israeli girls that we wrote about here:

I think that is great, but I am pretty sure that Ilhan Omar, a Hamas defender, doesn’t. She was outraged that UCLA allowed video of Gazan atrocities to be shown, and here she makes light of the fact that Jewish students were blocked by pro-terrorism forces from walking on UCLA sidewalks:

Polls indicate that a pretty significant minority of Americans are pro-Hamas, but I think that is because hardly any of them know anything about Hamas and what it does. So yes, let’s show the videos in Times Square, at UCLA, and everywhere else.

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