Ilhan Omar
February 11, 2025 — Scott Johnson

For some reason RCI has posted Martin Gould’s Daily Mail story “Ilhan Omar DID marry her brother and said she would ‘do what she had to do to get him ‘papers’ to keep him in U.S.,’ reveals Somali community leader.” It should be noted that Gould’s story is dated February 20, 2020, nearly five years ago. I met with Gould when he visited Minneapolis to report on Omar for the
June 5, 2024 — John Hinderaker

Ilhan Omar’s current husband, Tim Mynett, made good money as a D.C. political consultant. Apparently he thought he could achieve similar success in the business world, along with his partner in the consulting business, Will Hailer. But things have not gone well: In fall 2021, D.C.-area restaurant owner Naeem Mohd was presented with an unbelievable investment opportunity. Two political operatives-turned-venture capitalists would triple Mohd’s money in just 18 months if
May 24, 2024 — John Hinderaker

I had a busy day today, among other things writing this piece, on Minneapolis four years after the George Floyd riots, for the New York Post. Catching up on Twitter, it looks like the IDF is making good progress in Rafah. As always, the “Palestinians” are great at terrorizing women and children, not so great at fighting actual soldiers: This is huge! Over 900 Hamas terrorists have surrendered in Rafah.
March 2, 2024 — John Hinderaker

There was a time when, if you said that liberals suffer from Communism envy, they would deny it. Is that still true? Perhaps not, as to the Squad, two members of which were among a delegation that made a more or less secret trip to Cuba: A delegation of the U.S. Congressional Progressive Caucus traveled to Cuba last week in a trip that has not previously been disclosed by the
January 28, 2024 — Steven Hayward

Suppose you are a House Democrat who has been in office for 15 or 20 years, dutifully working your way up the ladder as a chair of a subcommittee, raising money for the caucus, etc., and you heart that Ihlan Omar is booked on one of the premier Sunday morning network news shows. Look, even Nancy Pelosi can’t stand Omar and the rest of the squalid “Squad.” And then you
December 20, 2023 — Scott Johnson

The New York Post cover story today is by Alex Oliveira: “Record 12,600 migrants encountered at border in 24 hours — as backlog for immigration hearings breaks 3 million.” The story reports on our self-created border crisis. When I say “self-created,” I mean created by President Joe Biden. Why would a president of the United States do what he has done? Even certain well-known Democratic officeholders are unhappy with the
July 30, 2023 — Scott Johnson

There I was, placidly reading Michael Barone’s excellent column “The Proximal Origin of a Scientific Fraud.” Referring to the recently released emails that reveal the “Proximal Origins” deceit, Barone concludes: I found the cynicism revealed in these emails shocking, even though I have written critically, in July 2021 and March 2023, about government scientists’ attempts to discredit the lab leak theory. I note that statistics guru Nate Silver, not a
February 3, 2023 — Scott Johnson

Speaker Kevin McCarthy marshaled the votes to remove Minnesota Fifth District Rep. Ilhan Omar from the House Foreign Affairs Committee on grounds of her anti-Semitic bigotry. David Harsanyi comments on her removal in this New York Post column. Anticipating her removal, Omar had this to say on the House floor: “I am a Muslim. I am an immigrant. And, interestingly, from Africa. Is anyone surprised that I am a target?”
January 11, 2023 — Scott Johnson

AP congressional reporter Farnoush Amiri report via Twitter (below) that Speaker Kevin McCarthy will follow through on his promise to remove Reps. Eric Swalwell (Intelligence), Adam Schiff (Intelligence), and Ilhan Omar (Foreign Affairs) from their committee assignments. Of the three, I think Schiff is the worst. He should be tarred and feathered and run out of town for abuse of his position as Intelligence Committee chairman to perpetuate the Russia
January 1, 2023 — Scott Johnson

Peggy “High” Noonan devotes her weekly Wall Street Journal column to the case of Rep.-elect George Santos. Noonan might have gone into a trance and produced it via automatic writing. On second thought, she probably didn’t need to go into a trance to produce it, but I’ll stick with the automatic writing part. She gives us the predictable screed in “Why George Santos’s lies matter.” She advises the GOP: “They
December 29, 2022 — Scott Johnson

I detect Seth Lipsky’s characteristic prose and train of thought in the New York Sun editorial “Yes, Virginia–There Is a Santos Clause.” Seth’s hand in the editorial makes sense: he is the editor of the Sun. The subject of the editorial is the post-election discovery that Rep.-elect George Santos is not who he said he was. The subhead summarizes the gist of the editorial: “All the falsehoods George Santos is
November 20, 2022 — John Hinderaker

At the Republican Jewish Coalition’s meeting in Las Vegas yesterday, incoming Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced that he intends to kick Ilhan Omar off the House Foreign Relations Committee: “We watch anti-Semitism grow, not just on our campuses, but we watched it grow In the halls of Congress,” McCarthy said…. “I promised you last year that as speaker she will no longer be on Foreign Affairs, and I’m keeping that promise,”
October 30, 2022 — John Hinderaker

If the worst anyone can say of you is that you are a hypocrite, congratulations: you are on the fast track to Heaven. On the whole, hypocrisy is perhaps a good thing because hypocrites at least uphold a standard to which they and others are presumed to aspire. That is what I always thought, anyway. But there are two kinds of hypocrisy, one much worse than the other. We normally
September 25, 2022 — Scott Johnson

Today’s Star Tribune features a profile of Bock, the indicted mastermind of the free lunch fraud that we have been covering since this past January. The profile draws heavily on the reporters’ interview of her in the immediate aftermath of the FBI raids that made the scandal public. The only really new element is its mention of my friend Abdi Nur at the top of the story: Aimee Bock’s organization
August 10, 2022 — Scott Johnson

Everyone knows Ilhan Omar is a vile ingrate and egregious liar, but these may be among her less detestable qualities. I had nevertheless yet to hear her called out in public by a prominent Minnesota Democrat in the fashion she was last night by Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey (video below). Frey’s condemnation of Omar reflects his personal experience and it is something more than the weak tea we have come
July 24, 2022 — Scott Johnson

FactCheck.Org serves up a reductio ad absurdum of the fact-check form in “Ocasio-Cortez Was Arrested at Abortion-Rights Protest, Contrary to Social Media Posts.” Confirmed: AOC was detained and fined $50, almost like Martin Luther King in Birmingham: Following the arrests, various Facebook posts falsely claimed that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York pretended to be arrested. One post showed multiple pictures of Ocasio-Cortez being held by a Capitol Police officer,
July 20, 2022 — Scott Johnson

Everything about Ilhan Omar is a fraud, including her name. When it comes to civil disobedience, for example, it’s all show business. Omar was one of the the 16 or 17 brave congressmen protesting the tyranny of the Supreme Court decision authorizing states to treat abortion as they see fit. Giving it up for Roe, Omar and AOC briefly restricted their freedom of movement by holding their hands behind their