Trans.Gov.Con [With Comment by John]

Last month Joe Biden nominated magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn for the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. In 2022, Netburn recommended that serial child rapist William McClain, who calls himself July Justine Shelby, be sent to a women’s prison. Netburn described the six-foot-two rapist as  “sober and entirely a female,” which piqued the interest of Sen. John Kennedy.

“That phrase struck me as remarkable,” Kennedy said. “Did this individual have male genitalia?” Netburn replied, “Sorry, what I meant to say was hormonally a female,” (emphasis added) which raised a point.

Netburn earned a BA from Brown and a JD from UCLA, but her bio lists no qualifications in biochemistry, biology and such. The Biden nominee did concede that the convicted rapist retained male genitalia. Kennedy is right that Netburn’s “entirely a female” statement was “absurd,” but there’s more going on here.

As Saul Bellow explained, “a great deal of intelligence can invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep.” Judge Netburn needs to believe that a man with all his original equipment can be entirely a woman. As Netburn knows, when defendants plead innocent the courts examine the physical evidence to see if the claim is true. Forensic tests should also apply when male criminals claim to be women, and William McClain is hardly the first.

Convicted murderer Rodney Quine, father of two daughters, claimed he was really a woman since the age of nine. In 2017, courtesy of Obama Judge Jon Tigar, Quine became the first convict to get sex-change surgery courtesy of taxpayers. Shiloh Heavenly Quine is now inmate WB1121 at the Central California Women’s Facility. In this interview, Quine celebrates the “historic victory,” but no word about his victims.

In 1980 Quine and an accomplice abducted Shahid Ali Baig, a 33-year-old father of three. As the bound victim pleaded for his life, Quine shot Baig twice in the head. The convicted murderer gets to keep his own life and serve time in a women’s prison.

For details on William McClain see “Rapist-pedophile transferred to women’s prison in Texas after claiming his rights were violated.” As the peasant Dennis (Michael Palin) might say, reality dysphoria is no basis for a system of justice.

Here is some of Sen. Kennedy’s examination of “Judge” Netburn:

JOHN adds: See also Ted Cruz’s examination of Netburn. It really has to be seen to be believed:

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