Joe Biden

Biden indicts himself

Featured image President Biden chose to revise and extend his mealymouthed comments on anti-Semitism with a 1600-word speech at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Annual Days of Remembrance Ceremony yesterday. The White House has posted the text of his remarks here. The speech seems to me late and wanting. Revisiting the history of the Holocaust, Biden referred to “the perils of indifference, the complicity of silence in the face of evil that »


Featured image You know, one of the reasons why our economy is growing is because of you and many others. Why? Because we welcome immigrants. We look to – the reason – look, think about it – why is China stalling so badly economically? Why is Japan having trouble? Why is Russia? Why is India? Because they’re xenophobic. They don’t want immigrants. That was Joe Biden at a May 1 fundraiser. White »

Biden Picks the Winners

Featured image Joe Biden’s 19 recipients for the Presidential Medal of Freedom include “Nancy D’Alesandro Pelosi,” and as the Delaware Democrat explains: Nancy Pelosi served as the 52nd Speaker of the House and has represented San Francisco in Congress for more than 36 years. A staunch defender of democracy, she has shaped legislative agendas and Democratic priorities for decades. As Joshua Muravchik noted in “Pelosi’s Favorite Stalinist,” Pelosi once “took to the »

When it’s better you say nothing at all

Featured image President Biden read a perfunctory statement yesterday addressing “recent events on college campuses.” That’s how the statement referred to the calls for intifada revolution and the occupation of university quads by mobs supporting Hamas. The brief statement ran to fewer than 500 words. It would have been better if it had been zero. This is how it began, according to the White House transcript: Before I head to North Carolina, »

Weekend at Biden’s

Featured image Who is Sasha Stone and why is she saying these things about Joe Biden? You can look her up online to try to get a handle on her. She is saying these things because she has seen President Biden’s public performances in recent days. Stone doesn’t invoke Weekend At Bernie’s as a metaphor, as I do in “Dead man walking,” but she assesses his recent recent public performances to arrive »

US Set to Regress From Modernity

Featured image Liberals denounce Donald Trump as a would-be tyrant, but the fact is that he ruled less by executive order than any other recent president. It is Joe Biden who has discarded the Constitution and imposed a blizzard of illegal or probably-illegal regulations on the rest of us. Lately, they have been coming so furiously that it is hard to keep up with them. The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board caught »

Today’s Horserace Snapshot. . . [With Comment by John]

Featured image A few days ago, in “State of the Race,” I passed along the latest Bloomberg poll showing Trump surging back into a significant lead over Biden. Today it is CNN’s turn: Trump’s support in the poll among registered voters holds steady at 49% in a head-to-head matchup against Biden, the same as in CNN’s last national poll on the race in January, while Biden’s stands at 43%, not significantly different »

Dead man walking

Featured image Hugh Gallagher explored what he called FDR’s Splendid Deception in his 1985 book of that title. In the title Gallagher was referring to FDR’s concealment of the polio-related paralysis that struck him in 1921. Gallagher was also a polio victim who understood the pain underlying Roosevelt’s efforts. Researching the book, Gallagher found that among the 35,000 photographs of Roosevelt at his presidential library, only two featured him in his wheelchair. »

Half a mind to be president

Featured image I have set the over/under on President Biden’s mental capacity at 40 percent. He has half a mind to be president. Yesterday he read the instruction inserted in the text of his remarks to “Pause” for the crowd to take up the chant of “Four more years.” The White House has posted the transcript of Biden’s remarks to North America’s Building Trades Union National Legislative Conference here. However, Biden’s reading »

The Pause That Depresses

Featured image I’m sure Biden’s staff has had conversations with him about not reading the instructions on his teleprompter, but whatever they have done isn’t working. Is it possible to use different colors on a teleprompter? I don’t know, maybe they could put the text in black and the stage directions in red. Here, Biden is instructed to pause so his audience can take up the “four more years” chant. Of course »

Quotations from Chairman Joe

Featured image The silence of President Biden on the eruption of anti-Semitic “protests” on elite college campuses constitutes a disgusting sidebar to the unfolding story. He was asked about them yesterday as he shambled down a sylvan path in Triangle, Virginia. “I condemn the antisemitic protests,” Biden told reporters. “I also condemn those who don’t understand what’s going on with the Palestinians.” “Palestinians” widely support Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the terrorist forces »

Why Biden Can’t Win

Featured image I don’t think he can, anyway. Check out these numbers from Rasmussen: Republicans have a major edge over Democrats in terms of voter excitement, and voters overwhelmingly see President Joe Biden as too old to hold the office.. *** More Republicans (68%) than Democrats (50%) are genuinely excited about the election rematch. Voters not affiliated with either major party are about evenly split between being genuinely excited (44%) and choosing »

Biden Cannibalizes Himself

Featured image I remember when my grandmother reached her mid-90s, and she would tell old stories I had never heard before (and thus had no idea how true they might be), and then immediately repeat them like she was stuck on a tape loop. John notes below that Biden today twice told the story of his uncle’s World War II experience—not previously told that I am aware of—and how he may have »

What’s Eating Joe?

Featured image Joe Biden has told countless whoppers, but this one is a doozie: he says his uncle was eaten by cannibals in New Guinea. Seriously: He told the story twice in one day: Actually, Joe’s uncle’s plane was went down, for unknown reasons, over open water. The plane sank and several crewmen went down with it. Their bodies were not found, but they weren’t eaten by cannibals. You can see in »

The deep meaning of “don’t”

Featured image Would that President Biden had not warned the Iranian regime not to attack Israel with his pitiful “don’t” yesterday. In Bidenspeak, “don’t” is an invitation. It something like the shout-out for contestants to “come on down” on The Price Is Right. And as night follows day, the Iranian regime has launched a large drone attack on Israel from Iranian territory. At the moment the targets are unclear. Among the many »

Biden does Sharpton

Featured image President Biden paid his respects to Al Sharpton and his National Action Network yesterday. In prepared remarks read from his teleprompter (transcript here), Biden spoke virtually at NAN’s annual convention. At the top of his remarks, video below) Biden celebrated Sharpton: “Look, we’ve known each other for a long time. I’m grateful not only for your leadership and partnership but, quite frankly, more importantly for your friendship.” In his remarks »

What friends aren’t for

Featured image In an interview that was recorded last week but aired last night on Univision — transcript and video here — President Biden criticized Israel’s conduct of the war and called for a ceasefire without tying the demand to the release of the hostages held by Hamas. Indeed, the name “Hamas” does not appear in the interview. “Well, I will tell you, I think what [Prime Minister Netanyahu is] doing is »