
Seven things you can say about Tom Cotton

Featured image Today is the official publication date of Seven Things You Can’t Say About China, by Senator Tom Cotton. Senator Cotton is a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee. He became its chairman in the new Congress. As I like to say of authorities when the assertion applies: he knows what he is talking about. John Hinderaker previewed the book here last week. I want to add these seven things you »

The Enemy Is China

Featured image Steve has noted that President Trump is working hard to bring the Russia-Ukraine war to an end. In a closely related development, Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth warned our NATO allies that they will have to be primarily responsible for defending Europe: America cannot be relied upon to guarantee the security of Europe from Russia because it has to focus on its own borders and the threat of China, President »

Chinese Hack Treasury

Featured image Earlier today, the Treasury Department notified the Senate Banking Committee of a “major incident” involving hacking of Treasury computers. The letter is embedded below. It says, in part: On December 8, 2024, Treasury was notified by a third-party software service provider, BeyondTrust, that a threat actor had gained access to a key used by the vendor to secure a cloud-based service used to remotely provide technical support for Treasury Departmental »

Beyond the cusp

Featured image I was one of AT&T’s hundred million or so wireless customers unhappy to have learned this past July 12 that my call and text data had been illegally downloaded from AT&T’s primitively protected workspace on a third-party cloud platform: “Our investigation found that the downloaded data included phone call and text message records of nearly all of AT&T cellular customers from May 1, 2022 to October 31, 2022 as well »

Look back in anger, Biden family business ed.

Featured image On Thursday we took a first look at “Pictures from the Biden family business.” The story of the Biden family business — i.e., money for nothing — takes us back to the Hunter Biden laptop, the Deep State coverup of its authenticity courtesy of Antony Blinken and the Dirty 51, and the 2020 Biden presidential campaign. It is a key that unlocks a secret history — or unlocked a secret »

What’s Underground

Featured image China claims to have discovered the world’s largest deposit of gold: China is claiming to have unearthed the largest gold deposit in the world — estimated to be worth more than $80 billion. More than 1,000 tons of gold reserves and ore veins were allegedly discovered by geologists from the Hunan Provincial Geological Institute some 12 miles beneath the surface in China’s Pingjiang County, according to China state media. The »

China Runs the Table

Featured image That is energy expert Robert Bryce’s title for his depressing Substack piece: On Monday, the Biden administration issued new restrictions on the export of key semiconductor equipment and software to China. On Tuesday, China retaliated by banning the export to the US of three strategic elements — antimony, gallium, and germanium — that have multiple military and civilian uses. It also restricted the export of graphite to the US. The »

Balloon Payment Comes Due

Featured image Last year, China sent a surveillance balloon over most of the continental United States, including Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana, where nuclear weapons are stored. China’s craft surveilled Offutt Air Force Base near Omaha, Nebraska, home of U.S. Strategic Command, in charge of the nation’s nuclear forces. China’s balloon also got a close look at Whiteman Air Force Base, home to the B-2 stealth bomber, capable of delivering nuclear and »

In the Service of the PRC

Featured image Former New York State official Linda Sun and her husband have been indicted for, among other things, violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, as a result of Sun’s alleged services on behalf of the People’s Republic of China. The indictment has gotten a good deal of publicity: A former top aide to New York Govs. Andrew Cuomo (D) and Kathy Hochul (D) used her high-ranking position in the state’s »

The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

Featured image One of my neighbors has a sign in their yard that says “Support Women! Vote For Dems.” I am sure they think this makes some kind of sense. They care about something–abortion, I suppose–but they apparently don’t care about the border, our economy, the national debt or the national defense. You know, the things that government actually is responsible for. Pretty much every day there are news stories that prompt »

Democrat Nominee for China

Featured image John links to a piece in which Tim Walz says Communism means “everyone is the same and everyone shares. . . The doctor and the construction worker make the same. The Chinese government and the place they work for provide housing and 14 kg or about 30 pounds of rice per month. They get food and housing,” and so on. Walz dished up this classic PRC propaganda after the Tiananmen »

China Cracks Down

Featured image China’s Xi Jinping is building on the covid surveillance state to tighten the Communist Party’s control on the Chinese people. The New York Times reports: The wall in the police station was covered in sheets of paper, one for every building in the sprawling Beijing apartment complex. Each sheet was further broken down by unit, with names, phone numbers and other information on the residents. Perhaps the most important detail, »

Mutant Social Growths Revisited

Featured image In the course of writing From Mainline to Sideline I came across Huan-Ying: Journey Through Workers’ China, authored by Janet Goldwasser and Stuart Dowty and published by Monthly Review Press in 1975. “We wrote it to combat misinformation, ” explained Goldwasser in 2019. “China had a different way of setting priorities in terms of healthcare and working conditions, so we intended to get information to readers who weren’t able to visit themselves.” »

What Energy Transition?

Featured image The press, and many politicians, constantly assure us that the world is in the midst of a transition from fossil fuels to “green” energy, which means wind turbines, solar panels, and mostly fictitious batteries. But is any such transition actually in progress? No. Robert Bryce has the numbers. No such transition is taking place in the U.S.; on the contrary, last year natural gas-fired electricity generation increased 9.5 times as »

Xi bullies, Biden blathers

Featured image The New York Post has a good editorial on President Biden’s big April 2 phone call with President Xi. It notes that the White House readout of the call fails to align with Beijing’s summary. According to the White House, Biden told Xi that restrictions are necessary “to prevent advanced U.S. technologies from being used to undermine our national security, without unduly limiting trade and investment.” According to Beijing, Xi »

Trump Made Them Do It!

Featured image This morning’s New York Times email tells its subscribers that Russia and China are rooting for Donald Trump to win the 2024 presidential election: America’s biggest adversaries evidently want Donald Trump to win the 2024 presidential election. Vladimir Putin’s preference for Trump has long been clear. And now China’s government is taking steps to help Trump’s presidential campaign. The idea that either Russia or China prefers Trump to Joe Biden, »

Faucism in one country

Featured image The Claremont Review of Books has published Jeffrey Anderson’s terrific review/essay “Covid catastrophes.” I think “Faucism in one county” might capture the spirit of Anderson’s take on the tyranny imposed on us by the authorities under the Covid regime. Anderson’s essay makes me angry about it all over again, but the point is to prevent a recurrence. While we’re angry all over again, we should check out former New York »