Search Results for: notes on the twitter files
December 17, 2022 — Scott Johnson

Matt Taibbi posted a sixth installment of the Twitter Files in a 45-part Twitter thread yesterday afternoon. The thread is accessible here. This review is occasioned by the posting of Taibbi’s part 6. • I posted previous installments of my notes here (December 6, on Taibbi’s part 1), here (December 11, on part 2 by Bari Weiss, part 3 by Taibbi, and part 4 by Michael Shellenberger), and here (December
December 15, 2022 — Scott Johnson

At her Free Press site Bari Weiss has posted background on the reporting behind the Twitter Files I have noted so far. She calls her backgrounder “Our reporting at Twitter.” (The URL suggests she might have called it “Why we went to Twitter.”) It answers certain of the questions I raised in my previous “Notes on the Twitter Files.” She writes (links omitted): [W]e—the journalist Matt Taibbi; investigative reporters connected
December 14, 2022 — Scott Johnson

I have been keeping up in my own way with the Twitter Files documented in threads posted by Matt Taibbi, Bari Weiss, and Michael Shellenberger on Twitter. I posted previous installments here (December 6) and here (December 11). On Monday Weiss posted part 5 (“The removal of Trump from Twitter”) — a 30-tweet thread. Please forgive the repetition involved in my observations. These are my comments on part 5: •
December 11, 2022 — Scott Johnson

Elon Musk has divvied up the Twitter Files documenting the platform’s historical censorship practices to Matt Taibbi, Bari Weiss, and Michael Shellenberger. Each has posted long threads on Twitter reporting on the contents of the files. I posted my notes on Taibbi’s first thread on December 6. I have an abbreviated set of notes and queries following on the publication of parts 2, 3, and 4 over the past few
December 6, 2022 — Scott Johnson

Herewith a few short notes on the Twitter Files disclosing the suppression of the New York Post’s reporting on the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop three weeks in advance of the 2020 presidential election. • Twitter is a powerful instrument for good and evil. Elon Musk’s efforts to create a new Twitter with a favorable disposition to free speech has made him an enemy of the regime. They are crying
April 25, 2023 — Scott Johnson

If you’ve been following our coverage of the Twitter Files, or following the Twitter Files themselves on your own, you know that Hamilton 68 was an offshoot or tributary of the Russia hoax. Here is a contemporaneous 2017 Reuters story on the launch of the Hamilton 68 site. It may seem obscure, but Matt Taibbi has just posted the useful video companion below depicting MSNBC repeating Hamilton 68 lies 279
April 8, 2023 — Scott Johnson

Mehdi Hassan hosts a weekly show on MSNBC. I hadn’t heard of him or it until Matt Taibbi previewed his appearance on the show in the entertaining post “Eat me, MSNBC,” originally titled “MSNBC sucks.” Hassan invited Taibbi to appear on the show and, in the event, subject himself to attacks that I found to be astounding in their substantive irrelevance, triviality, and error. In his preview Taibbi explained: “I
March 11, 2023 — Scott Johnson

Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger are two of the journalists who have participated in the Twitter Files project. They testified at the Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government on the Twitter Files conducted by the House Judiciary this week. I posted the text of Taibbi’s statement here yesterday. The New York Post has adapted Shellenberger’s statement in “‘Censorship-industrial complex’ uses gov’t power to threaten democracy.” Shellenberger testified: The
February 16, 2023 — Scott Johnson

The Twitter Files lie at the intersection of the law enforcement and national security establishment, the bigfoot press, social media, and the Democratic Party. Reporter Matt Taibbi has immersed himself in the Twitter Files courtesy of Elon Musk. By my rough count, Taibbi has posted 10 or so of the 15 Twitter Files threads so far. Taibbi has also compiled a summary of each of the threads here at his
January 30, 2023 — Scott Johnson

Matt Taibbi has renamed his TK News site Racket. On Saturday he posted “Responding to Hamilton 68” — his analysis of the Alliance for Securing Democracy’s “fact sheet” on the Hamilton 68 “dashboard” that he exposed as a fraud in the fifteenth installment of the Twitter Files (the link is to my notes on it). Taibbi summarized his response to the fact sheet in the subhead: “After refusing to answer
January 7, 2023 — Scott Johnson

RealClearPolitics reporter Paul Sperry was suspended from Twitter a few months Adam Schiff sought his banning as a result of his entirely accurate reporting for RCP. We learned of Schiff’s behind-the-scenes efforts in part 12 of the Twitter Files per Matt Taibbi. Now Sperry explains and responds in the fantastic New York Post column “How Democrat Adam Schiff abused his power to demand I be kicked off Twitter simply due
January 5, 2023 — Scott Johnson

I have followed the Twitter Files as posted by Matt Taibbi, Michael Shellenberger, Bari Weiss, and David Zweig in a series of Notes on the Twitter Files. Taibbi has now posted a set of capsule summaries of each of the 12 installments posted on Twitter so far at his TK News site on Substack. It is posted here in accessible form. Most of Taibbi’s posts at TK News are behind
December 29, 2022 — Scott Johnson

Adam Goldman was one of the national security establishment’s go-to reporters for promotion of the Russia hoax. Indeed, Goldman “was part of a team that won a Pulitzer Prize in 2018 for national reporting on Russia’s meddling in the presidential election.” That’s the way the Times puts it. Those of us who don’t only get our news from the Times now know that it was the FBI more than any
December 24, 2022 — Scott Johnson

Explaining the disruption of his professional routine, Matt Taibbi explains: “The reason for all this of course is the Twitter Files story.” Responding to the FBI’s drivel, Taibbi adds this preview to what we have seen so far: This last week saw the FBI describe Lee Fang, Michael Shellenberger and me as “conspiracy theorists” whose “sole aim” is to discredit the agency. That statement will look ironic soon, as we
December 20, 2022 — Scott Johnson

Through the Twitter Files we have learned in some detail how the FBI and the intelligence community conspired to suppress the New York Post’s October 2020 reporting on the Biden family corruption. Jesse O’Neill reports on the latest revelations in the New York Post story “FBI pressured Twitter, sent trove of docs hours before Post broke Hunter laptop story.” The Post also runs the valuable companion editorial “Evidence shows FBI,
December 19, 2022 — Scott Johnson

Via Matt Taibbi’s TK News site on Substack I learn that Russell Brand has interviewed Taibbi on the Twitter Files project (video below). The subhead on his post declares that he is “Discussing the Twitter Files and other questions with a man in a great hat.” Taibbi makes some points that bear on those I have made in my “Notes on the Twitter Files” and comments with fitting brutality on
December 10, 2022 — Scott Johnson

I thought when the New York Times published Michael Grynbaum’s December 4 meta-analysis of the Twitter Files coverage on page B5 earlier this week, it would give the Star Tribune permission to mention the story in one way or another. I have searched “Elon.” I have searched “Musk.” I have searched “Twitter” (below, by recency). Wrong! Readers who get their news from the Star Tribune remain clueless. Since I wrote