Biden Administration

Life of Brian

Featured image Brian Deese is “an MIT Innovation Fellow, focusing on the impact of economic policies that strengthen the United States’ industrial capacity and on accelerating climate investment and innovation.” Before that, Deese assisted Joe Biden as Director of the National Economic Council. Asked in 2022 how American families could cope with surging gasoline prices, the NEC boss said, “this is about the future of the liberal world order, and we have »

The price of inflation

Featured image Jeffrey Anderson presents a comparative analysis of presidents and inflation. The mainstream press to the contrary notwithstanding, he explains what Biden has done to make us feel so black and blue. It’s not our imagination. It’s the inflation, stupid! See his City Journal column “No great mystery.” Anderson manages to review the data and perform the analysis with a sense of humor. The daycare minders at the White House have »

Sticking points

Featured image Reading about the ceasefire negotiations with which the Biden administration hopes to engineer a Hamas victory requires a certain kind of insensitivity to savagery. Hamas seeks to trade kidnapped Israelis for terrorists who can help Hamas finish the task it undertook on October 7. The Hamas terrorists are murderers and genocidaires. The Israelis are, well, you know, Jewish. Hamas seeks ten terrorists in exchange for every kidnapped Israeli and Israel »

When George Met Joey

Featured image “Centuries of capitalism were held to have produced nothing of value,” Winston Smith discovers in George Orwell’s 1984. “One could not learn history from architecture any more than one could learn it from books. Streets, inscriptions memorial stones, the names of streets – anything that might throw light on the past had been systematically altered.” In other words, “history has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the »

The Price of Illegal Immigration [Updated]

Featured image Laken Riley was a 22-year-old nursing student in Athens, Georgia. Thursday morning, she went for a run and didn’t return. Her body was found on the campus of the University of Georgia. Riley was murdered by an illegal immigrant from Venezuela: Jose Antonio Ibarra, 26, who was arrested Friday in connection to the murder of the 22-year-old Augusta University student, crossed into El Paso, Texas, from Venezuela in September 2022, »

Can we be saved from SAVE?

Featured image The Biden administration has fashioned another program of student debt relief forgiveness. The so-called SAVE plan was promulgated by regulation last year. It takes the load off the fanny of beneficiaries of certain federal college loan programs and puts it right on the back of taxpayers. Politico reports that Biden is emailing 153,000 student loan borrowers that he’s canceling their debt. “I hope this relief gives you a little more »

Giving Rational Ignorance a Bad Name

Featured image More evidence that the Biden Administration is largely staffed by morons and ignoramuses. A couple days ago I drew a contrast between the late UN Ambassador Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Biden’s UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, who gives Kamala Harris a run for her money in the word-salad platitudes sweepstakes. Thomas-Greenfield outdid herself when, after the Algerian cease-fire resolution was defeated a few days ago, she concluded her statement as follows: »

When Democrats Actually Defended Israel Without Reservation

Featured image I’ll have more to say very shortly about the UN Security Council resolution dance that Scott wrote about this morning, as I agree that it looks like Biden is positioning himself to turn on Israel at a moment’s notice. For the moment, I want to note the contrast between Biden’s UN ambassador, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, a career foreign service officer who was likely picked for the post for the obvious reason, »

It Can’t Happen Here

Featured image Via InstaPundit, re today’s absurd order from rogue judge Arthur Engoron: Between the United States and Russia, one country just arbitrarily seized the assets of an oligarch opposed to the regime, and is trying to jail him The other country is Russia — Will Chamberlain (@willchamberlain) February 16, 2024 There are obvious differences between our regime and Russia’s, starting with the fact that the Biden Administration has not yet actually »

When Tim Met Saule

Featured image South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott has been mentioned as a possible running mate for Donald Trump. Those who wonder what Scott is about might dial it back to his meeting with Saule Omarova, Biden’s pick for Comptroller of the Currency in the Treasury Department. Born in Kazakhstan, Omarova attended Moscow State University on a Lenin Personal Academic Scholarship. She came to the USA during the Gorbachev Era on an exchange »

Borderline Biden

Featured image The powers-that-be in the White House and the Biden reelection campaign think they can turn the “bipartisan border bill” fiasco to Biden’s benefit. As the sole author of the “emergency” that the bill was allegedly designed to address, Biden is in a uniquely poor position to advance the argument that Republicans are to blame. Regardless of one’s cynicism about the American electorate’s level of knowledge concerning such matters, no one »

Biden’s border win

Featured image Politico West Wing Playbook celebrates “Biden’s border win.” This is what the White House wants its supporters at Politico to know about the so-called “bipartisan border bill.” Metaphorically speaking, we need to separate the propagandistic twigs and seeds from the dope before we put this in our pipe and smoke it, Clinton style (links omitted): Last night’s unveiling of a bipartisan border bill kicked off a hectic race for the »

Sign of the times

Featured image If there is a story/video/photo that captures the madness of the moment, it must be the one featuring illegal alien Jhoan Boda flipping off the crowd as he left the courthouse in Manhattan last week. Miranda Devine recapitulated key elements of the story in her Devine Online newsletter with the subject heading “Crazy Town.” Here is her summary of the story: Look at this charmer coming out of Manhattan Criminal »

Axis of Biden crises

Featured image Andrew McCarthy has posted “Biden’s Iran Crisis Overlaps with His Border Crisis” in the accessible Corner cubby of NRO. This is his opening (links omitted): For many years, Iran has had an operational alliance with the Marxist totalitarian regime in Venezuela. This gives Iran a toehold in the West and a well-trod route to infiltrate operatives across the southern border. Biden has appeared blithely indifferent to this — which is »

Border Warning from Retired FBI Agents

Featured image I haven’t followed the estimates and accounts of potential terrorists and other bad actors crossing over our southern border, but last week a groups of senior retried FBI agents wrote the following letter to our congressional leaders indicating their belief that the problem is serious indeed. Could there be a critical mass of infiltrators who stage a 10/7-style attack here? These agents think so. (You can click on each graphic »

Gov. Abbott Stands His Ground

Featured image Texas Governor Greg Abbott is standing his ground in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s dreadful ruling on Monday to allow the Biden Administration to tear down the fencing Texas put up along its southern border to effect what the Biden regime refuses to do: Control the border. »

Bordering on demented

Featured image As he had vowed to do, President Biden opened the borders to illegal aliens on January 20, 2021. It was among his first acts in office and stands as an almost unbelievable act of willful destruction. Administration officials have both repeatedly lied about it and deflected blame over the years since that day. The Free Beacon’s Drew Holden notes that last week Biden acknowledged the border is not secure. “I »