
The Democrats’ Selective Authoritarianism

Featured image The Trafalgar Group has applied its unorthodox methodology to test Americans’ attitudes toward Justin Trudeau’s emergency declaration and his handling of the truckers’ protest generally. The results are striking: 55% of respondents say they disapprove of Trudeau’s handling of the protest, while only 35% say they approve. That in itself isn’t surprising. What is remarkable is the partisan split. Republicans disapprove of Trudeau’s response to the truckers’ protest by an »

In Ottawa, men on horseback

Featured image With the Trudeau government’s declaration of emergency Canada’s Emergencies Act, Canada is under a form of martial law and one-man rule. The Toronto Sun’s Joe Warmington leads his story on the latest from Ottawa with this: The violence the Prime Minister has expressed concern about during the three-week protest in Ottawa didn’t unfold until Justin Trudeau’s Emergencies Act police army was sent in to disperse the crowd. The three major »

Americans Support Trucker Protests

Featured image Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has asserted emergency powers to try to shut down the trucker protests that have embarrassed his administration and interrupted trade across the bridge between Detroit and Windsor. (One of the ironies here is that truckers are protesting against, among other things, Canadian edicts that impaired trade between the U.S. and Canada. The Babylon Bee headlined, “Trudeau Demands Protesters Stop Shutting Down City So That He Can »

Canadian truckers receive the Tea Party treatment

Featured image I haven’t commented on the protest by Canadian truckers in Ottawa. That’s John’s beat, and he’s doing a great job with it. However, I did come across this passage in a Daily Mail article about the protests: James Doull, 24, a diesel mechanic who is organizing truckers parked along Wellington Street, where many of the parliamentary and government buildings are located, claimed ‘all the stuff put out by Trudeau and »

Finally, Some Canadian Violence! [Updated]

Featured image Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau continues to smear protesting truckers and others, saying last night: “This is a story of a country that got through this pandemic by being united — and a few people shouting and waving swastikas does not define who Canadians are,” Trudeau told lawmakers during an emergency debate. This is an absurd slander; the protesters are waving Canadian flags. If Trudeau hadn’t been in hiding for »

Desperately Seeking White Supremacists

Featured image I started to write about this story a couple of days ago, but stopped because I wasn’t sure what to make of it. I’m still not sure, but here goes anyway, for what it is worth. On Saturday afternoon there was a demonstration in Washington by a small group of identically clad and masked men, many of them carrying American flags. They reportedly were members of a group called the »

Stalking Sinema: The Biden variations

Featured image Following remarks on raising the debt ceiling yesterday — remarks whose gist was that Republicans are bad — President Biden took a few questions from the press (White House transcript here). Republicans are guilty of using “procedural tricks” and “elaborate procedural schemes” that call for numerous votes. It’s “a Republican stunt”! Republicans are “playing Russian roulette with the U.S. economy.” Bad! The stalking of Senator Sinema in the ladies’ room »

A question

Featured image In this post, Scott wrote about Saturday’s “Justice for J6” rally in Washington, D.C. He collected tweets reporting on the substantial, and seemingly predominant, police presence, including that of undercover feds. I was struck by a statement by CBS’s Margaret Brennan, the moderator of Face the Nation. According to this tweet by Nicholas Fondacaro, Brennan said “the strong show of security” by police and the feds “kept the crowds away.” »

At the Justice for J6 rally

Featured image I believe that Vice News reporter Tess Owen snapped the classic “There’s a bunch of bros here” photo of a few faces in the crowd among the dozens attending the supposedly fearsome “Justice for J6” demonstration in Washington on Saturday. Byron York provides the larger context in his Examiner column “Insurrection hype.” There’s a bunch of bros here. They declined an interview and said they were “just tourists”🧐 — »

The Deep State Is Rattled

Featured image I had a conversation over the weekend with a senior career lawyer (who is a Trump supporter) with a federal agency who passed along some interesting information. He said career federal officials in Washington he spoke with on Thursday and Friday are seriously rattled by last Wednesday’s events. Among other things, the fact that apparently some Capitol Police were friendly with the protestors who entered the building have federal bureaucrats wondering »

Capitol police officer dies after attack on Congress

Featured image Capitol police officer Brian D. Sicknick has died from injuries he sustained during the riot at the Capitol on Wednesday. Ashli Babbitt, one of the protesters, died during the riot. She was shot by an officer as she climbed through a window into the building. Three other protesters died due to “medical emergencies.” According to reports, more than 50 law enforcement officers sustained injuries during the rioting. That’s slightly less »

Judge blocks New York’s limitation on outdoor religious services [UPDATED]

Featured image A federal district court judge today issued a preliminary injunction against Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio to stop them from limiting participation in outdoor religious gatherings as a response to the pandemic. The judge, Gary Sharpe (a Bush 43 appointee), emphasized that, notwithstanding the Wuhan coronavirus, Cuomo and de Blasio permitted, and indeed seemed to bless, outdoor protests following the killing of George Floyd. Judge Sharpe explained »

Save Us From Woke Capitalism

Featured image Over the last week the stock market has enjoyed a huge rally, amidst the continuing overhang of the COVID-19 crisis and mass rioting throughout many urban areas. The market has now made up nearly all of the ground it lost starting in February. It’s either the market’s way of giving the middle finger to the virus crisis and the riots, or it could be one of the greatest short-covering rallies »

Mattis mush [UPDATED]

Featured image Since resigning as Secretary of Defense, Gen. James Mattis has been reluctant to criticize President Trump. No doubt, Mattis has grievances against President Trump, but his soldierly and patriotic instincts counseled against airing them. Mattis’s instincts were sound. He should have kept following them. Instead, the former Secretary lashed out at Trump this week. He said: I have watched this week’s unfolding events, angry and appalled. The words ‘Equal Justice »

End of the World? Please!

Featured image The video below shows environmental activists, I think from Extinction Rebellion. The venue is Trafalgar Square, and I believe the green object is broccoli. It is hard not to agree with Matt Walsh’s comment: 12 years until the apocalypse suddenly seems like a really long time — Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) October 19, 2019 Sometimes I wonder whether a civilization that not only produces but indulges lunatics like this deserves »

Londoners to Climate Protesters: Drop Dead!

Featured image A radical group called Extinction Rebellion, which purports to be acting on behalf of the Earth’s climate, has caused serious disruptions in England, attempting to shut down airports and other modes of transportation. This morning, the group tried to close down London’s morning commute by climbing on top of subway trains. Commuters did not take kindly to this arrogant and pointless act, as these videos show. Commuters now physically dragging »

Visit Portland, Stay for the Riots

Featured image This is wonderful. Only 1:21 long, but you’ll want to watch it five times, and send to all your friends. Especially your Oregonian friends. (Yes, I know, the narrator badly mispronounces “Willamette”—as in the river, but that’s not as bad as the time back when I was a student in DC, and stumbled into a congressman in the Capitol building who seemingly just emerged from a hearing on the effects »