Search Results for: kanye

Persecution and the art of Dave Chappelle (2)

Featured image We are awash in a wave of anti-Semitic hatred and violence that is coursing through the black community and elsewhere. I heard it in the troubled musings of Kanye West and wrote about in “Anti-Semitism for Ye — but not for me.” The December Commentary features Elliot Kaufman’s deep backgrounder “O Ye of Little Faith: The Anti-Semitism of Kanye West.” Over the weekend comedian Dave Chappelle hosted Saturday Night Live »

Persecution and the art of Dave Chappelle

Featured image Dave Chappelle hosted Saturday Night Live last night. In his opening monologue, Chappelle held at painful length that “the Jews” control the world but that this can only be said out loud ironically — because, you know, “the Jews.” It was an unsubtle performance that might be funny if you are on board with that particular “point of view.” Then it might be hilarious. I caught up with video of »

Loose Ends (190)

Featured image • Isn’t Brandon having an ice cream cone redundant, since he obviously suffers brain freeze already? • One of these days you’d think our culture would get over seeking out celebrities and entertainers as sources of how to think about. . . well, anything. As Stan Evans liked to joke, “Whenever there is a new and urgent political issue, I want to know what celebrities think. I want to hear »

Anti-Semitism for Ye — but not for me

Featured image Bill Maher included Benjamin Netanyahu as a guest on his most recent show and opened with a question regarding the anti-Semitic ravings of Kanye West, now known as Ye (video below). I don’t take Ye’s ravings with Netanyahu’s equanimity, but Netanyahu has a handle on the big picture and responded in the spirit of Maher’s show. Ye got this particular ball rolling in an interview aired by Tucker Carlson last »

Crime Comes to the Suburbs [Updated]

Featured image Edina is one of Minneapolis’s wealthiest suburbs. At one time, its public school system was considered to be among America’s best. Formerly a quintessential Republican suburb, Edina has trended Democratic in recent cycles and is now considered a firmly Democratic town. But that may be about to change. Historically, Edina’s desirability was due largely to its proximity to downtown Minneapolis. But bordering on Minneapolis is no longer a virtue. The »

Positive Signs

Featured image The Examiner reports that in the latest Zogby poll, President Trump stands at 52% approval, with high ratings from blacks, Hispanics and Asians. I think a couple of things are going on here, one being the riots, which are deeply unpopular with almost everyone and are generally (and correctly) attributed to Democratic Party constituencies. Meanwhile, Black Lives Matter seems determined to keep the violence going in Kenosha, where two men »

Count Some of the Votes!

Featured image Democrats are relentlessly promoting voting by junk mail, where state governments mail out hundreds of thousands of ballots to names and addresses that don’t correspond to actual, living and legal voters who live at those addresses, hoping that thousands of those blank ballots will come back, filled out in favor of Democratic candidates by party loyalists into whose hands they fall. They are probably right: that will happen, and in »

It’s 3:00 a.m.

Featured image Remember the Hillary Clinton campaign ad that talked about when the phone rings at 3:00 a.m. in the White House? I looked it up and was reminded that it was part of her 2008 primary campaign against Barack Obama. Here it is: On Saturday, the White House released an ad on Twitter–but I’m not sure it is an official ad, since it doesn’t carry the “I’m Donald Trump…” at the »

Who Is Actually Tolerant?

Featured image Power Line’s favorite male comic, David Deeble (who one of these days we’re going to pair with Ammo Grrrl in a live event), has a very succinct explanation of the culture war and the issue of “tolerance” (just 28 seconds): Like all good comedy and satire, it depends on some connection with reality.* Liberals talk endlessly about “tolerance” and “inclusiveness,” but it is increasingly clear that leftists are the most »

A$AP Rocky found guilty but isn’t sentenced to jail time (which he wouldn’t have served)

Featured image I wrote here about the assault case against rapper A$AP Rocky, who, while in Stockholm, beat up an immigrant to Sweden for the sin of following him around and disobeying instructions by the rapper’s body guard not to do so. Swedish authorities arrested Rocky and two members of his crew and held them in custody pending trial, pursuant to Swedish law. At the urging of Kanye West and his Kardashian »

Trump’s A$AP Rocky pander

Featured image President Trump stuck a blow against criminal justice when he backed, and thereby caused to be enacted, a “criminal justice reform” bill mandating the early release of many thousands of federal felons (including violent felons), plus shorter sentences for future federal felons. Given sky-high recidivism rates, the measure is certain to generate significantly more crime than would otherwise have been committed. Trump’s decision to back legislation that makes Americans less »

Lethal Weapon 5

Featured image Republicans celebrated the passage of the jailbreak legislation known as First Step with an event at a trendy restaurant in Washington. Naturally. What’s the use of passing feel-good, virtue-signaling bipartisan legislation unless you have a great party afterwards? Politico reports that Van Jones introduced Jared Kushner, the man of the hour. Jones, you may remember, was too leftist even for the Obama administration. But he’s not too leftist for Kushner. »


Featured image I have returned from Turning Point USA’s Young Black Leadership Summit, the first part of which I wrote about here, including our visit to the White House. A highlight of the second half of the event was the announcement of “Blexit,” a new project spearheaded by Candace Owens. What is Blexit? BLEXIT is a frequency for those who have released themselves from the political orthodoxy. It is a rebellion led »

Crazy Days [Updated]

Featured image As the election approaches, it seems that everything is spinning out of control. Here is a partial selection from the last day or two. It came out that pink tutu-clad leftist Kyrsten Sinema, the Democrats’ nominee for the Senate from Arizona, once urged Texans to “stop your state from becoming Arizona” because Arizonans are “crazy.” BREAKING: LEAKED VIDEO: in a 2011 speech in TX, Democratic Senate candidate @kyrstensinema mocks Arizonans »

Thoughts from the ammo line

Featured image Ammo Grrrll has a few FOLLOW-UP QUESTIONS: She writes: My dear friend Angela is one of the best and most sensitive conversationalists I have ever known. She is a top-notch saleswoman who has mastered the art of talking to customers. Most of us aren’t very good at even faking interest in what the other person is saying. As witty, cynical essayist, Fran Liebowitz, once said: There’s no such thing as »

Is Trump a Shoo-In In 2020? [with comment by Paul]

Featured image I know, it’s way too early to speculate about the next presidential cycle, especially given our president’s age. We don’t even know, at this point, whether he will seek re-election. But at Townhall, Kevin McCullough is undeterred. He offers five reasons why Trump will sweep to re-election in 2020, carrying 40 states. McCullough’s reasons are cogent: foreign policy dominance, stronger armed forces yielding a safer world, the strongest hold on »

Thoughts from the ammo line

Featured image Ammo Grrrll reconsiders A LUNATIC IN THE LIFT. She writes: By now, as frequently happens with a weekly column, this is pretty old news. But it’s in my wheelhouse, so I thought I would weigh in. Besides, I’m still mad. Regular readers may think they have seen me mad before, but that was just warm-up. The Safe Space Dwellers want to talk about “triggers”? Consider me triggered. As my hero »