Jill Biden
October 9, 2024 — Steven Hayward

One of my oldest pals in the writing racket—a fellow intern for M. Stanton Evans along with me back in 1981—sent the following observation this morning, which I cannot top: I’ve been saying for weeks that Joe Biden seems to be doing his sly best to sabotage the Kameleon’s campaign and that opinion is apparently becoming more widely shared. Jack Posobiec tweeted this morning that there was an “altercation” between
September 23, 2024 — Scott Johnson

President Biden continues to degrade before our eyes. During the 2020 presidential campaign, I estimated the over/under on his mental capacity at 40 percent. That might have been harsh. Where would an independent medical examination put it now? I should think somewhere south of that. Last week Biden turned over a cabinet meeting to Dr. Jill “Edith Wilson” Biden (White House transcript here). John Podhoretz commented on X: “Someone better
August 17, 2024 — Lloyd Billingsley

With her bid to outlaw “price gauging,” Kamala Harris attempts to defy satire, which brings to mind a scene from Mel Brooks’ The Producers. Max Bialystock (Zero Mostel) and Leo Bloom (Gene Wilder) purchase the rights to “Springtime for Hitler,” by Franz Liebkind (Kenneth Mars), who rails against Winston Churchill, with his cigars, brandy, rotten paintings, and more. “He could not even say Nazi,” Liebkind contends, instead growling “Naaahrzee,” and
July 17, 2024 — John Hinderaker

I have been holding out hope that “Doctor” Jill and Hunter the Convicted Felon can convince Slow Joe to hang in there until November. And that still may happen: Lady MacBiden is strong-willed. But Karine Jean-Pierre said today that Biden has tested positive for covid, and is “self-isolating” in Delaware. In what might possibly be a coincidence, Biden now says that he would drop out of the race if “doctors
July 9, 2024 — John Hinderaker

This would be funny, if it weren’t one of thousands of data points chronicling the decline of our civilization: I missed this: @dcexaminer reported that in 2021 the Marine Corps band was “instructed to come up with an entrance theme” for Jill Biden, and now plays an original composition titled “Fanfare for the First Lady.” https://t.co/F2ULbyfRJ3 https://t.co/xBTJPY1xyv pic.twitter.com/xISzJfpgRL — Miranda Devine (@mirandadevine) July 9, 2024 They are going to have
July 8, 2024 — John Hinderaker

Scott and Steve have expressed confidence that the Democrats will force Joe Biden off the ticket–it’s only a matter of time. That may well prove to be true; at even money, that is how I would bet. But it isn’t yet a done deal. Biden insists that he is in the race for keeps, and challenges anyone who doesn’t like it to run against him. Of course, no such course
July 4, 2024 — John Hinderaker

Check out the most recent polls from RealClearPolitics: If Trump is even (let alone +6) in the polls, he should cruise to victory. Democrats have a chronic problem in that their voters are highly concentrated in a small number of cities, and thus, in a few states. Moreover, I think we are barely beginning to see the fallout from last Thursday’s debate. As I wrote here, I think Biden’s falloff
July 2, 2024 — John Hinderaker

As Steve noted earlier today, the betting odds on Kamala Harris being the Democrats’ presidential nominee have suddenly shot up, as Joe Biden’s have nosedived. There are probably several reasons for this, but one may be that the Biden/Harris treasure chest can more easily be transferred to Kamala than anyone else. The New York Post reports. I should add that I know little about campaign finance law, and can’t vouch
July 2, 2024 — Scott Johnson

The New York Post undertakes to counterprogram the Vogue cover featuring Dr. Jill, the power behind the stone. In case you missed it, the Post’s cover story, by Sara Nelson and Emily Crane, includes a copy of the Vogue cover. The Post cover story by Sara Nathan and Emily Crane is headlined “Jill Biden vows not to give up on Joe after disastrous debate as she appears on cover of
July 1, 2024 — John Hinderaker

Well, not Biden. But someone on his staff. You probably have at least read about the Biden campaign’s “bedwetting brigade” memo, but it is worth a serious look. It argues, more cogently than Joe Biden ever could, that Democratic voters are stuck with Biden and they’d better get used to it: This is consistent with what I am hearing from Washington insiders. The Democrats don’t have a clear way to
June 30, 2024 — Steven Hayward

While we await the outcome of the Biden Crime Family meeting at Camp David today, let us take prominent note of the other senescent institution right in front of our noses: the media. Here’s Axios yesterday: Joe Biden’s close aides have carefully shielded him from people inside and outside the White House since the beginning of his presidency. You’re telling us now? Likewise the Wall Street Journal has reported: The
February 22, 2024 — Scott Johnson

In her Devine Online newsletter this morning, Miranda Devine updates the story of the Biden dog Commander (links omitted): Honestly, any normal dog owner whose German Shepherd attacks and bites someone just once would be chagrined. You would either get remedial training for the dog, or remove it or somehow keep it away from temptation. The last thing you would do is continue on as usual, and let it happen
January 13, 2024 — Scott Johnson

Earlier this week I noted President Biden’s tribute to “the passion” of the pro-Hamas protesters who disrupted his speech at the Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston. I infer that they passionately support Hamas. They passionately oppose Israel. They passionately hate, well, you know who. It’s not clear why their “passion” validates anything about them. It’s Nietzsche for dummies. In the course of his remarks, Biden also observed: I was
October 29, 2022 — Scott Johnson

Dan Conston is the president of the Congressional Leadership Fund, the super PAC aligned with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy with the singular mission of flipping the House. They appear to be on the verge of success. In an illuminating hour-long interview with Politico Playbook’s Ryan Lizza, Conston talked through the nuts and bolts of CLF’s involvement in 50-plus districts around the country. They also took up the issues and
October 17, 2022 — Scott Johnson

Congress is adjourned. Members up for reelection are home campaigning in advance of elections next month. We are left reading omens and tea leaves. Anything but the Star Tribune! The Star Tribune has gone into full campaign mode on behalf of the DFL. Please see my related comments in “The real fake news.” Looking for a bona fide tea leaf to read, I noted that Dr. Jill Biden attended last
July 12, 2022 — Scott Johnson

Michael LaRosa is press secretary to the First Lady and special assistant to President Biden. Today he has rendered special assistance to Dr. Jill by tweeting out an apology on her behalf for her tribute to the Latinx community of the United States for being “as unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio.” The National Association of Hispanic Journalists took offense (tweet below). NAHJ encourages @FLOTUS & her
July 12, 2022 — Scott Johnson

Dr. Jill Biden spoke at a Latinx IncluXion Luncheon in San Antonio yesterday. The White House has posted the text of her remarks here. I have included a short, short video clip below. Someone in her speechwriting shop thought she should endear herself to the Latinx IncluXion community by paying tribute to La Raza (“The Race”) founder and former leader Raúl Yzaguirre. The lunch event was sponsored by the organization