
Gov. Abbott Stands His Ground

Featured image Texas Governor Greg Abbott is standing his ground in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s dreadful ruling on Monday to allow the Biden Administration to tear down the fencing Texas put up along its southern border to effect what the Biden regime refuses to do: Control the border. »

Imported Drunks and Murderers

Featured image Salvadoran national Jose Guadalupe Menjivar-Alas, a four-time deportee, was recently taken into custody in Colorado “after a mother and her son died in a drunken driving collision.”  In 2022, a non-citizen and alleged MS-13 gang member was charged with the murder of  20-year-old Kayla Hamilton. In late December 2018, false-documented illegal Gustavo Perez Arriaga, also known as Paulo Virgen Mendoza, murdered Newman, California, police officer Ronil “Ron” Singh, a legal »

New York Is Regifting Its Illegal Migrants

Featured image Like other “sanctuary cities,” New York has learned that being a refuge for illegal immigrants is a bad thing if they actually show up. So New York is buying them airplane tickets to go elsewhere. My colleague Bill Glahn reports: The Minneapolis Star Tribune had a headline yesterday noting that Minnesota is among the top states to which New York City is redirecting its excess illegal immigrant arrivals. The Star »

Europe’s “Hard Right” Uprising

Featured image Across Western Europe, the right is rising. This strikes fear into the hearts of Brussels bureaucrats, as the London Times reports, with this headline: “‘Hormonal’ voters could hand hard-right victory, EU chief fears.” Josep Borrell, the EU’s high representative for foreign policy, warns that migration fears could send political shockwaves across Europe. Borrell, 76, a Spanish Socialist and former foreign minister, was referring to the fact that illegal immigration has »

Immigration Upends UK Politics

Featured image In 2019 Britain’s Conservative Party won in a historic landslide, but since then its fortunes have dimmed to the point where the party is universally expected to be ousted from power in the next election. This is not because Britons have again become fond of socialism. It is because the Tory government has failed to listen to the voters on the issue of immigration. In the Telegraph, Sherelle Jacobs writes: »

Thought for the day

Featured image Liel Leibovitz is editor at large for Tablet. Everything he writes is worth reading. His City Journal column “Anti-Semitism Is a National Security Threat” takes up a question that has been on my mind. What is to be done about the millions of imported Nazis in our midst? His column is difficult to excerpt and this excerpt is too long, but consider this: How should we amend our immigration policies »

Genocide Is Popular

Featured image Yesterday, many thousands of Islamofascists and leftists turned out across the globe for pro-Hamas demonstrations, celebrating the massacre of October 7 and demanding the extermination of Jews. Trafalgar Square was packed to overflowing: Hundreds of thousands turned out in Paris: Some might find the idea of a “kill the Jews” rally in Berlin alarming: And, of course, many thousands rallied to support genocide against the Jews in Washington, D.C. It »

Thought for the day

Featured image Liel Leibovitz is editor at large for Tablet. Having emigrated from Israel to New York, he draws on his experience to ask what accounts for the marches, riots, and demonstrations supporting Hamas in the urban centers of the United States. He calls it the banlieueization of American cities and college campuses in his City Journal column “American Banlieue.” As for the rioters, he observes: “Most are young, and most are »

“We Have to Deport People More Often and Faster”

Featured image I have been speculating for some time, and occasionally hinting here, that if Europe wants to survive, at some point it is going to have to deport large numbers of unassimilable “migrants.” I’ve long thought for a variety reasons that France would be the country most likely do this, though don’t count out Sweden or Denmark, which, unbeknownst to most American media, are starting to reckon with rising crime and »

Bloomberg Lowers the Boom

Featured image Michael Bloomberg is out in the New York Times yesterday with a bracing article about the  catastrophe that is our immigration asylum system. Despite his best attempt to blame Trump and claim this is a bipartisan failure, it is on the whole a blistering attack on the Biden Administration: The Biden administration has failed to address the steep price many cities are paying for a system they didn’t create and »

Gov Abbott Reacts to Biden’s ‘Remain in Texas’ Proposal

Featured image After preliminary data showed the number of migrants entering the U.S. illegally had hit an all-time high last month, three U.S. officials told the Los Angeles Times the Biden administration is considering a plan to force some illegal migrants to remain in Texas “while awaiting asylum screening, effectively limiting their ability to travel within the U.S.” According to the Times, “Supporters of the remain-in-Texas idea, which has yet to be »

Panic Over the Border at the White House?

Featured image Never mind the latest polls showing Trump running even or ahead of Biden in a head-to-head matchup which are causing political panic among Democrats. More immediate is the rebellion of blue states and blue cities against Biden’s open borders policy, as related yesterday. This is shaping up as a political disaster for Democrats. So what is Biden going to do about it? Close the border! Finally! Oh, wait—he’s going to »

NYC Mayor Adams: Trump Was Right About the Border

Featured image The headline isn’t strictly accurate, but remember when Trump or some Trumpster supposedly said uncontrolled immigration would lead to a taco truck on every corner? Well, New York’s hapless Mayor Adams, who presides over a virtuous “sanctuary city,” now says that continued uncontrolled arrival of migrants will “destroy New York City” and its surrounding suburbs, which is implicit confirmation of Trump’s immigration stand in 2016. He and other Democrats whose »

Right-Wing Surge In EU Elections?

Featured image Breitbart reviews polling on next year’s EU parliamentary elections, which suggests significant conservative gains across the continent: Polling has projected populist and conservative-leaning blocs to make significant gains in the next European Union parliamentary elections, as support for centrist parties wanes in the wake of growing discontent over failures on immigration and the green agenda. Those are the two issues that dominate European politics: both wide-open immigration and “green” energy »

What’s the Matter With Sweden?

Featured image The following story was related to me by a former Governor of Minnesota, who was of Norwegian descent. A number of years ago, a Norwegian dignitary (the Prime Minister, I think) visited Minnesota. Talking to our governor, the Prime Minister tut-tutted about Minnesota’s crime rate, saying that there was much less crime in Norway. Minnesota’s governor replied, “We don’t have a crime problem with our Norwegians, either.” That anecdote came »

The Immigration Disaster, New York Edition

Featured image Of all the Biden administration’s failures, its abandonment of the Southern border ranks near the top. No one knows exactly how many people from around the world have entered the country illegally since Biden took office, but the number is in the millions. The burden has now spread outward from the border states to places like New York City, now home to around 60,000 “refugees.” The Daily Mail has an »

The Judiciary vs. The People

Featured image We’ve noted here how court decisions have curtailed the ability of local governments to control homelessness (by voiding local no-camping-on-the-streets ordinances) and other measures, and likewise the judiciary has limited what the federal and state governments can do to limit illegal immigration. Today a federal district court judge in Oakland, CA, struck down the Biden Administration’s already weak enforcement of asylum rules that required someone seeking asylum to apply first »