
Flattening the Curve Was a Lie

Featured image Remember when government officials told us that we needed just a brief shutdown of economic and social activity to “flatten the curve” of covid transmission? The theory, although few seem to remember it, was that the same number of people would eventually catch covid, we just wouldn’t catch it all at once and thus we wouldn’t overload the hospital system. In fact, two weeks of curve-flattening turned into a year »

Anti-Covid Policies Were a Disaster

Featured image A global consensus has emerged that governmental responses to covid-19, which mainly involved shutdowns, limitations on mobility and other aspects of freedom, mask mandates, and vaccination requirements, did an enormous amount of harm. The issue is sometimes posed in terms of whether governments’ responses did more damage than the epidemic did. But that isn’t actually the right question. The epidemic happened. The question is whether the epidemic + government restrictions »

BBC’s War On “Disinformation”

Featured image This short video by the BBC’s “Disinformation Correspondent”–not a joke–explains how that news agency is seeking out disinformation and conspiracy theories. These are found on “alternative media,” i.e., not on the BBC, and the BBC is investigating the links between disinformation and “far right figures.” No mention of far left figures. And the BBC is using fake social media accounts to track what is happening in those venues, and how »

NAACP, the Embodiment of Inept Hypocrisy

Featured image The NAACP has been a worthless organization for a long time, but its latest DNC-echoing attack on the State of Florida–it issued a “travel advisory”–may represent a new low: "Under the leadership of Governor Desantis, the state of Florida has become hostile to Black Americans and in direct conflict with the democratic ideals that our union was founded upon." — NAACP President and CEO @DerrickNAACP Take a stand with us. »

Bible? What Bible?

Featured image Time was when a politician like Patrick Henry (“Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace–but there is no peace!”) or Abraham Lincoln (“A house divided against itself cannot stand”) could quote from the Bible and assume that pretty much everyone in his audience got the reference. Those days are gone, of course. But most Americans still have at least a nodding acquaintance with the Book. Not, however, those who write and edit »

Chicago, RIP

Featured image Electing Lori Lightfoot as Mayor of Chicago was the beginning of the end for that city. Replacing her with someone even more far left is accelerating Chicago’s terminal decline. Tom Bevan notes that the death throes are under way: Progressive allies of Mayor Brandon Johnson have released a financial blueprint titled – and I'm not joking – "First We Get the Money" calling for $12 billion in new taxes, including: »

Liberals Say: Let’s Kill Half the World’s People

Featured image The global liberal movement is trying to destroy modern, scientific agriculture. Liberals want organic farming–no intensive nitrogen fertilization–along with an end to animal husbandry and banning of pretty much all effective herbicides and pesticides. All great ideas, if you don’t care about billions of people dying. Just ask anyone in Sri Lanka or the Netherlands. Chris Morrison writes: The full horror of the ‘nitrogen’ war on agriculture is becoming more »

Down With Uber! And Doctors, Too!

Featured image Minnesota’s legislature is nearing the end of an orgy of radical legislation. It seems that every day, a new outrage emerges. Last night, my wife received this from Uber: So Uber is threatening to pull out of Minnesota. I asked one of the policy fellows in my organization what this is all about. He responded: This was news to me today. I watched a portion of the testimony from the »

Planned Parenthood vs. The Supreme Court

Featured image The President and CEO of Planned Parenthood, Alexis McGill Johnson, called for packing the Supreme Court and other “judicial reforms” in an interview with Jen Psaki on MSNBC: During an appearance on MSNBC’s “Inside with Jen Psaki,” McGill Johnson told host Jen Psaki that the reason why she’s calling for changes to the nation’s court system is due to recent attacks “on our democratic rights and our democratic freedoms.” This »

Eat Meat! (2)

Featured image In today’s developed world, average people can achieve a higher standard of living than has ever before been possible. In fact, the difference between an “elite” standard of living and that enjoyed by people of average, or a little more than average, means, has dwindled to near-insignificance. It is fair to say that today, an “elite” American has little more chance of living a satisfying and happy life than the »

Here Come the Bugs

Featured image The Left’s campaign to replace meat with insects in our diet–more specifically, your diet, not theirs–continues apace. From the Wall Street Journal: “Switzerland Wants Children to Eat Less Chocolate, More Insects.” Switzerland in 2017 became the first country in Europe to allow insects to be sold as food for humans after a lobbying campaign by edible-insect startups. That was the easy part. Now the companies must overcome what entomologists call »

Last Refuge of a Scoundrel

Featured image Dr. Johnson was wrong. The last refuge of a scoundrel is not patriotism, i.e, the love of one’s own country. Rather, the scoundrel’s last refuge is contempt for his own country, camouflaged by an insincere devotion to another nation. Thus, we had the spectacle of “Dr.” Jill Biden attending the coronation of King Charles III–an inspiring event, for completely different reasons–along with one of her granddaughters, wearing not the colors »

Eat Meat!

Featured image The Left has launched a comprehensive war on modern agriculture. One aspect of that war consists of attacks on animal husbandry, which to some degree ties in with longstanding crank theories espoused by vegans and others. However, contemporary attacks on meat are mostly climate-based. As such, they are dangerous to your family’s health. The Telegraph reports: Meat is crucial for human health, scientists have warned, as they called for an »

Whose Children Are They?

Featured image In recent years, it has become increasingly clear that the Left hates families and essentially wants the state to raise our children. Thus the anti-parent orientation of the public schools, the attempt to use the FBI to label parents who are concerned about their children’s education as “domestic terrorists,” the appalling practice of changing kids’ names and “genders” without informing parents, and so on. As usual with the Left, the »

Tax Me More!

Featured image Most rich people who take part in politics are on the Left, which is a major reason why the Democratic Party and its candidates consistently have so much more money than the Republican Party and its candidates. I have long been bemused by rich liberals like Warren Buffett, who tell us their tax rates are too low. Really? Guess what: the IRS will cash your check! If you seriously think »

Where Is That Manifesto?

Featured image On March 27, nearly a month ago, Audrey Hale murdered six people in a Nashville school before herself being killed by police. Like substantially all mass murderers, Hale was deeply troubled. Among other things, shortly before her rampage she decided that she was, or wanted to be, a man. Her murders came immediately before a national “Trans Day of Vengeance” that was promoted with violent imagery. And the trans movement »

Carve ‘Em Up!

Featured image In today’s Orwellian world, surgery that slices off or mutilates a child’s genitals, thereby negating his or her gender, is styled “gender affirming.” Crazy as it may seem, the mania to carve up children has seized control of Minnesota’s legislature. Today the Minnesota Senate passed a “trans refuge” bill that had already passed the House and will soon become law. The language of the law is, in my view, opaque, »